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Fauxbook: Carl Grimes

 The Walking Dead returns this Sunday night for its third season (Can you stand it? We can barely stand it!) and while there are so many questions swirling around the premiere (Who’s Michonne? What happened to Andrea? What’s with that prison? Will Merle return?), the one question on everyone’s mind is, “Will Carl’s parents actually give a fuck and watch his little wandering ass?”

If Carl’s latest Facebook status is any indication, the answer is probably not.

About John Elrod II (285 Articles)
John is currently untitled. This complete lack of definition would drive most into abject bitterness and utter despair, but not someone of John’s virility. No, John is the picture of mental stability and emotional platitude.

12 Comments on Fauxbook: Carl Grimes

  1. He’s of the age where he might enjoy a good Street Walker.

  2. This season it will be “Carl get in the prison cell!” Yea, that’s not happening either.

  3. Free range kids taste like chicken.

  4. Hahahaha! I found myself wanting to “like” this status. We have dish network so we will be unable to watch this and i am freaking out about it 🙁

  5. hellow

  6. hellow eason 5 when it comes out of thewalkingdead

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