5 TV Deaths That Need to Happen

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

August 29, 2012 in Featured, Top TV Lists

You ever tune into a show hoping that a character will FINALLY die? Yeah, me too. Debra Morgan / Dexter I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I only put her on this list because she knows too much! SPOILER —- At the end of the last season of Dexter, his sister walked in just …

New to Netflix: September 2012

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

August 29, 2012 in New to Netflix

Good day, my friends!  Joseph here, and I’ve got the latest and greatest from the land of Netflix Instant Streaming.  Much like last time, I’ll be giving the release date, title, original year of release, and Netflix rating – if it’s available. So, let’s get it on!    9 /1 - The Mummy (1932) – …

App Reviews: Social TV with Miso, GetGlue, and Viggle

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

August 28, 2012 in Featured

Last year I was interviewed for the book Social TV: How Marketers Can Reach Audiences by Connecting to the Web, Social Media, and Mobile. I maintained that not too long ago, if you stayed in the house on a Friday night to watch a television show, it was a sign that you had no social …

BluTuesday: August 28th, 2012

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

August 28, 2012 in BluTuesday, Featured

G’day mates! Joseph here with some fresh picks on BluRay for August 28, 2012. Like last week, there weren’t a lot of choices in movies, but I was able to pick out a few interesting ones for y’all. So, with that in mind, here are some new entries for your collection.   Think Like a …

True Blood - S5E12 - Save Yourself

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

August 27, 2012 in Featured, True Blood - S5

The fairies blast Russell with a bunch of fairy fire. He’s all, “That’s all you got, bitches?” Suddenly, Eric appears and stakes Russell.     Then, he stands there, covered in Russell-goo, looking all hot. *swoon*   Nora shows up and she’s all “What’s that smell?” Considering it’s a field full of fairy ass, it’s …

5 Movie Remakes That Need to Happen

Avatar of John Elrod II by John Elrod II

August 23, 2012 in Featured, Top Movie Lists

Do film remakes get a bad rap? Yes. Is it completely unwarranted? No, not completely. This is a bit of a complex issue, because remakes, as a premise, are not bad, at all. They’re not all that new, either. Plays have been “remade” for hundreds of years, except it’s called a “revival”. That does sound …

BluTuesday: August 21st, 2012

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

August 21, 2012 in BluTuesday

Hello, Stonehenge! Joseph here with what’s new in Blu for August 21, 2012. This is going to be a shorter one than the previous two, but that’s only because there weren’t a whole lot of movies that caught my attention. But, we will certainly talk about those that did. So, let the games begin!   …

True Blood - S5E11 - Sunset

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

August 20, 2012 in Featured, True Blood - S5

Bill is walking through the halls of The Authoriry’s HQ when he hears a voice calling his name. It leads him to the vial of Lilith’s blood. She appears, naked and bloody, and tells him, “Only one can lead us. I choose you. Drink the blood. Drink it all.” He looks tempted, but starts to …

British Invasion: Misfits

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

August 16, 2012 in British Invasion, Featured

When I was a kid, British television was the boring stuff on PBS… and Benny Hill. If you’d told me then that in my 30s I’d be absolutely addicted to UK television programming, I would have said you were taking the piss. But I am. Oh, I totally am. I now refer to things I …

Game of Thrones Astrological Signs

Avatar of MJ Heiser by MJ Heiser

August 16, 2012 in TV

Whether or not you believe in astrology, there’s no denying that the description of a typical star sign reads like a practice in symbolism.  Some astrologists go so far as to ascribe each member of the zodiac physical characteristics by which you may try to know a person’s sign on sight.  (Of course, if this …