American Horror Story: Asylum - S2E7 - Dark Cousin

Previously on American Horror Story: Asylum… You remember how Grace was left bleeding from her lady parts (either from sterilization or alien impregnation)? Well, this episode takes us back to her, and now she’s laying in bed bleeding out. Two nuns discover this-how nobody already knew is beyond me-and these two nuns try to save …

New to Netflix - December 2012

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

November 28, 2012 in New to Netflix

Happy holidays! Joseph here, and I’m bringing you the new stuff to look for on Netflix Instant Streaming for the month of December. We got some good stuff coming out, so go ahead and grab some hot chocolate and a piece of candy cane, and let’s get into it.   12/1 – The Last of …

BluTuesday - November 27, 2012

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

November 27, 2012 in BluTuesday

What’s up, people? Joseph here, and I’m bringing you some new morsels in Bluray for November 27, 2012. This week’s episode features more white people doing stupid shit, an animated ghost whisperer, beautiful people dancing to the rhythm of the night, Will Smith, and a great songstress’ last role. Get ready to nod your heads, …

The Walking Dead - S3E7 - When the Dead Come Knocking

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

November 26, 2012 in Featured, The Walking Dead - S3

Previously on The Walking Dead. And now… Merle terrorizes Glenn with his knife-hand and threats of raping Maggie. He’s still butthurt about being left on that rooftop and losing his hand - understandably. He wants to know where the group’s camp is and Glenn refuses. Merle proceeds to beat him, but not before Glenn gets …

Dexter - S7E9 - Helter Skelter

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

November 26, 2012 in Dexter - S7, Featured

Previously on Dexter. And now… Dexter takes Hannah out on his boat. The water is choppy and she’s getting sick. They stop to talk and she tells him a story about her father teaching her to swim by pushing her into a lake. She asks him if he’s ever been afraid like that, but before …

American Horror Story: Asylum - S2E6 - The Origins of Monstrosity

Previously on American Horror Story: Asylum… We start out with a 911 call, in present time. It’s Bloody Face calling to inform the police that he has killed the “impostors” who were terrorizing Leo and Teresa in the dilapidated ruins of Briarcliff. Apparently, Bloody Face doesn’t subscribe to the notion that imitation is the highest …

BluTuesday - November 20, 2012

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

November 20, 2012 in BluTuesday

Howdy, folks! Joseph here, and I’ve got the new treats for you on Bluray for November 20, 2012. Before I go any further, we at VaginaCon would like to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving, and we hope that you enjoy the time with your family and friends…hopefully by watching some Bluray movies! This …

The Walking Dead - S3E6 - Hounded

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

November 19, 2012 in Featured, The Walking Dead - S3

Previously on The Walking Dead. And now… Merle and a few guys find some zombie body parts in the woods. They spell out Go Back. (The ‘back’ being an actual back.) The Governor sent them out to see what MIchonne is up to, and apparently she’s up to puzzles. One guy wants to go back …

Dexter - S7E8 - Argentina

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

November 19, 2012 in Dexter - S7, Featured

Previously on Dexter. And now… Over breakfast, Hannah learns that Debra (the Lt.) is Dexter’s sister. He learns that she has always dreamed of going to Argentina. She tells Dexter that it’s okay if they never see each other again. Also, it’s okay if they do. Dexter shows up at Deb’s and asks if she …

American Horror Story: Asylum - S2E5 - I Am Anne Frank, Part 2

Previously on American Horror Story: Asylum… The episode starts with Sister Jude visiting some sort of investigator; she’s still convinced Dr. Arden used to be a Nazi at Auschwitz, so she wants this guy to find out if it’s true. Apparently, this is his hobby. Some people build model airplanes; this guy finds secret Nazis. …