BluTuesday - February 26, 2013

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

February 26, 2013 in BluTuesday

Hey-o! Joseph here, and I’ve got a fresh stack of new Bluray releases for February 26, 2013. This week’s episode features Scientoloty…sorta, a human chameleon, and surfing; lots and lots of surfing. Ready to rock? Let’s get to it.   The Master (R) Rotten Tomatoes rating: 86% Paul Thomas Anderson writes and directs this drama …

The Walking Dead - S3E11 - I Ain’t a Judas

Avatar of John Elrod II by John Elrod II

February 25, 2013 in Featured, The Walking Dead - S3

Previously on The Walking Dead: “Home” Even after the events of last week, Tricky Rick and his funky bunch are still divided; half the group wants to leave the prison and try to run from The Governor, and the other half wants to stay right where they are. Rick is one who wants to stay, …

BluTuesday - February 19th, 2013

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

February 19, 2013 in BluTuesday

Greetings, citizens! Joseph here, and I have the neweset releases on Bluray for February 19, 2013. This week’s episode features the most interesting sci-fi movie ever made, Russians who sound oddly British, Pixar, white people doing stupid shit, a return to a fanciful universe, and that damn throne. Ready to roll? Let’s hit it.   …

The Walking Dead Home Glenn

The Walking Dead - S3E10 - Home

Avatar of John Elrod II by John Elrod II

February 17, 2013 in Featured, The Walking Dead - S3

Previously on The Walking Dead: “The Suicide King“. Following the fact that last week’s episode ended with Rick going cuckoo banana nuts, it’s no surprise this week’s episode starts with Rick still going cuckoo banana nuts. The surprise, however, comes in the fact that we’re treated to a five-minute cold open that is completely devoid …

Fauxbook: Bruce Willis

Avatar of John Elrod II by John Elrod II

February 14, 2013 in Fauxbook, Featured

Yes, today is Valentine’s Day; more importantly, however, it’s Die Hard Day. The latest adventure from John McClane and company, A Good Day to Die Hard, is released today. You may ask yourself, “Self, why should a Die Hard movie be released on Valentine’s Day?” That is a damn good question, and it just so …

BluTuesday - February 12, 2013

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

February 12, 2013 in BluTuesday

Hello, friends. Joseph here, and I’m bringing you the newest Bluray releases for February 12, 2013. This week’s episode features Bond…James Bond, Emma Watson, an awkward romance, asshole kids, a nurse with the worst bedside manner ever, and pot. Got your Vesper ready? Well, let’s get to crackin’.   Skyfall (PG-13) Rotten Tomatoes rating: 92% …

The Walking Dead - S3E9 - The Suicide King

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

February 11, 2013 in Featured, The Walking Dead - S3

Previously on The Walking Dead.   Are you ready? I’m ready. I’m so damn ready. Bring on the zombies. And Daryl. Merle and Daryl are in the middle of Zombie Thunderdome. Andrea begs The Governor not to make them fight to the death, but he ignores her. He doesn’t see any other way… because he …

BluTuesday - February 5th, 2013

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

February 5, 2013 in BluTuesday

Good day, fine people! Joseph here, and I’m bringin you what’s new in Blu for February 5, 2013. This week’s episode features kids who won’t grow up, Denzel Washington, a gritty cop, a bizarre romantic comedy, and the worst MMA fighter of all time. All strapped in? Let’s get to it.   Peter Pan (G) …