‘Taking The Hobbits To Isengard’ (The Orlando Bloom Remix)

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June 30, 2013 in Movie News

After Orlando Bloom wrapped on the third The Hobbit film, portraying Legolas for the last time, some fun was had with the catchy ‘Taking the Hobbits to Isengard’ song. Thanks to Peter Jackson for posting this on his YouTube channel. Farewell, Legolas.

Win a Dexter Tee!

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June 30, 2013 in Giveaways

Wanna win a Dexter tee to celebrate tonight’s season premiere? Click the link below to enter. After you hit the green ‘enter’ button, you can share this giveaway with your Facebook friends. For every friend who enters via your link, you’ll get an additional entry. Get an additional TWO entries if you tweet about it! …

Major Game of Thrones Season 4 Role Cast

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June 28, 2013 in TV News

We’re already getting word on how season 4 of Game of Thrones is shaping up. HBO has announced that Chilean actor Pedro Pascal (The Good Wife, The Adjustment Bureau) will play Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne. Oberyn is the brother of Elia, who was slain when the Lannisters stormed Kings Landing during Robert Baratheon’s rebellion. …

Madcap Recaps: The Walking Dead - S1E1 - Days Gone By

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June 28, 2013 in Featured, Madcap Recaps

Today, we’re happy to debut a new feature here on Project Fandom: Madcap Recaps. Over the coming weeks and months, we’re going to be diving into some of the best series television history has to offer, and we’ll be doing our best to offer some quick and dirty video recaps for each and every episode …

Beautiful Creatures: Book to Movie Review

Avatar of Maya Maldonado by Maya Maldonado

June 28, 2013 in Book Reviews, Reviews

It’s rare, no, let’s be honest, it’s UNHEARD of, for a movie to do a book justice, let alone out-do it. Yet, somehow, Beautiful Creatures has managed to do that.I was excited to read the book because it had every element needed to be amazing. Like reading a recipe full of ingredients you love: Cheese? …

Pretty Little Liars Main Pic

Pretty Little Liars - S4E3 - Cat’s Cradle

Just like the past two episodes, Episode 3 of Season 4 was a very slow one; however, it was slightly more exciting than the previous episodes. One-fifth of the episode had passed and not only is Mona gone, but it is obvious that this new A has it out for the moms. The girls seemed …

Attack on Titan - S1E3 - A Dim Light in the Darkness of Despair: Mankind’s Comeback, Part 1

Previously on Attack on Titan: “That Day” This week on Attack on Titan, time slides forward three years. Erne, Arming, and Misaka are barely adults and have enlisted in the military. The Drill Instructor calls on Arming, asks his name and where he’s from. When Armin replies, the D.I’s reply is not unlike the scathing …



Dixit is a game of strategy, storytelling, and beautiful imagery. The rules and gameplay are simple: Each player holds six cards, each rendered with unique artwork. On your turn, you’re the Active Player and you’ll give a clue pertaining to one of the cards in your hand. The clue can be a word, phrase, song …

Defiance - S1E10 - The Bride Wore Black

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

June 26, 2013 in Defiance - S1

Previously on Defiance “If I Ever Leave This World Alive”  How’d That Get In There? Alak is having his bachelor party in the NeedWant. Apparently, a Castithan bachelor party involves the groom jousting with his friends, and when he beats them, he gets to free his bride (a hooker dressed as a bride) from a …

Chocolate Dice In Play

Geek Item of the Week: Chocolate Dice

What happens when you combine gaming dice and chocolate? Happy things. Very happy things. ThinkGeek is selling a set of 6 chocolate dice. A d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and a d20. They are made from Ghirardelli dark chocolate, which we all know is better than most other brands of chocolates. I have yet to …