Review: Doctor Who: New Adventures with the Twelfth Doctor #4

by Rob Hill

January 21, 2015 in Doctor Who (12th Doctor), Featured

The second part of the three-part arc “The Swords of Kali” does a great job, once again, with Capaldi’s Doctor.

Review: Doctor Who: New Adventures with the Twelfth Doctor #3

The Doctor and Clara find themselves answering a call for help from an old friend in India, 2314.

Review: New Adventures with the 12th Doctor - #2

The Doctor and Clara face off with a newly risen Hyperion.

Review: Doctor Who - New Adventures with the 12th Doctor #1

Profile photo of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

October 16, 2014 in Doctor Who (12th Doctor), Featured

The Doctor and Clara visited an ice planet known for having the crispest snow in the universe only to discover it’s been terraformed into a tropical paradise.