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Robert Downey Jr. Confirmed to Return as Iron Man


Rumors have been swirling that Robert Downey Jr.’s  reign as Iron Man had come to its divine end in Iron Man 3. Age and his new commanding salary appeared to be the major sticking points for carrying on the Marvel Universe sans RDJ.

Not surprisingly, weeks before the real nerd prom known as Comicon, Disney Studios and Marvel were able to dig into their pockets, and stock up on BenGay, to hammer out a deal with RDJ. It has been confirmed he will reprise his role as Tony Stark aka Iron Man in the next two unnamed Avengers sequels. 

What do you think? Are you happy with this turn of events? Or would you rather see the ink dried on an Iron Man 4 contract?

About Kituria Gaines (58 Articles)
Kituria is an award winning shower and car singer, lover of Game of Thrones and novice guitar player. She spends her free time, searching Netflix for just the right movie, cooking, attending concerts and dragging friends to free cultural events.

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