The Walking Dead - S3E14 - Prey

Previously, on The Walking Dead: “Arrow on the Doorpost“. “Prey” opens with a flashback to Andrea and Michonne’s days together out in the wilderness of the Zombie Apocalypse. They’re sitting around a fire, eating something (something delicious, I’m sure) out of cans. Andrea, being her usual Andrea self, asks Michonne if she knew her walker …

The Walking Dead - S3E11 - I Ain’t a Judas

Avatar of John Elrod II by John Elrod II

February 25, 2013 in Featured, The Walking Dead - S3

Previously on The Walking Dead: “Home” Even after the events of last week, Tricky Rick and his funky bunch are still divided; half the group wants to leave the prison and try to run from The Governor, and the other half wants to stay right where they are. Rick is one who wants to stay, …

The Walking Dead - S3E8 - Made to Suffer

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

December 3, 2012 in Featured, The Walking Dead - S3

Previously on The Walking Dead. And now… A group fights zombies in the woods. Not OUR group. A new group! A black guy, a black woman, a white couple, and their teenage son. The mother gets bitten. They make their way to a damaged brick structure, and after some debate, they all go inside, including …

The Walking Dead - S3E3 - Walk With Me

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

October 29, 2012 in Featured, The Walking Dead - S3

Previously on The Walking Dead. And now… A helicopter (the one from the season 2 finale?) crashes in a field and who witnesses it but Andrea and Michonne. They head towards the wreckage with walkers not far behind. Andrea is still sick so as they get close the crash, Michonne volunteers to check it out, …