Helix - S1E4 - Single Strand

Avatar of Chanse Horton by Chanse Horton

January 27, 2014 in Helix - S1

Previously, on Helix: “274” Holy crap. Hold on to your seats, kids. This one’s a doozy! (I hope I get to start saying that every week.) As we open Day 4, the panicked “mostly-probably-infected” inhabitants of Level R, led by Dr. Frenchy McFrenchguy are cooking up a plan to force their release by shutting off …

Helix - S1E3 - “274″

Avatar of Chanse Horton by Chanse Horton

January 20, 2014 in Helix - S1

Previously, on Helix: “Vector” Day 3 begins with Dr. Ex-wife waking up on the floor of the shower after being attacked by Badly Infected Brother. She clearly remembers being infected herself, but totally lies to The Good Doctor’s face about it. Immediately thereafter, The Good Doctor follows sneaky sounds in the ceiling to a lab, …

Helix - S1E2 - Vector

Avatar of Chanse Horton by Chanse Horton

January 13, 2014 in Helix - S1

Previously, on Helix: “Pilot” Day 2 starts with three new faces describing the horrific ordeal they experienced when Badly Infected Brother attacked them. It can be assumed that the scream at the end of the first episode was one of these folks. All three describe being held down by BIB, as he placed his mouth …

Helix - S1E1 - Pilot

Avatar of Chanse Horton by Chanse Horton

January 13, 2014 in Featured, Helix - S1

Since 2009, the television world has lived without Ronald D. Moore. But with the premiere of Helix on Syfy this past Friday, he comes roaring back bearing a heaping load of scifi horror that seems primed to fill a hollow in me that has existed since The X Files went off air. In fact, the …

The First 15 Minutes of Syfy’s Helix

Avatar of Project Fandom by Project Fandom

January 10, 2014 in Featured, TV News

The new science-fiction thriller premieres tonight on Syfy. To promote the series, Syfy released the first fifteen minutes of tonight’s pilot on Youtube. If you’re interested in following the series, we’ll be covering it with next-day recaps, every week. Helix is the latest offering from Ronald D. Moore, who is teaming with Syfy once again …