The Walking Dead S3 Deleted Scene Shows Carol as a Badass

Avatar of Project Fandom by Project Fandom

August 1, 2013 in TV News

A deleted scene from the third season of The Walking Dead, included in the upcoming season three DVD/BluRay box set, shows Carol (Melissa McBride) extending an act of kindness to Merle (Michael Rooker). But don’t let the smile and pixie haircut fool you. By the clip’s end, Carol makes it clear to Daryl’s (Norman Reedus) …

The Walking Dead - S3E13 - Arrow on the Doorpost

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

March 11, 2013 in Featured, The Walking Dead - S3

Previously on The Walking Dead “Clear.” Just like last week, this episode starts with members of the group already away from the prison. Hershel, Daryl, and Rick cautiously approach some kind of barn. While Hershel waits in the car, and Daryl waits outside, Rick enters with his gun drawn. After a few moments, the Governor …

The Walking Dead - S3E3 - Walk With Me

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

October 29, 2012 in Featured, The Walking Dead - S3

Previously on The Walking Dead. And now… A helicopter (the one from the season 2 finale?) crashes in a field and who witnesses it but Andrea and Michonne. They head towards the wreckage with walkers not far behind. Andrea is still sick so as they get close the crash, Michonne volunteers to check it out, …