
Writer X: Ed Brubaker

Avatar of Chanse Horton by Chanse Horton

October 5, 2013 in Featured, Writer X

To learn what Writer X is all about, click here.  Captain America Mom. Apple pie. Baseball. Fireworks. What’s more American than these? “Lots of things, dummy; fireworks are Chinese,” you might say. And you’d be right. But what’s more American than appropriating things from other cultures and claiming they’re your own? Only one thing I …

Writer X

Avatar of Chanse Horton by Chanse Horton

August 21, 2013 in Featured, Writer X

So you watched the latest blockbuster comic book movie, and it got you jonesin’ for the good ol’ days of BAM! POW! BAMF! and SNIKT! You followed your folly to the nearest comic shop to grab some of the more recent adventures of your favorite hero and found yourself lost in a forest of publishing …