BluTuesday - December 18th, 2012

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

December 18, 2012 in BluTuesday

Felize Navidad! Joseph here, and I’ve got some great gifts for you in the world of Bluray for December 18, 2012. This week’s episode features summer feelings, memory lapses, a really corrupt cop, trippy bike riding, and the weirdest video game adaptation known to man. Sounds good? Well, step away from the mistletoe and let’s …

Dexter - S7E12 - Surprise, Motherf*cker

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

December 17, 2012 in Dexter - S7, Featured

Previously on Dexter.     And now… Dexter visits Hannah in jail. They have the most awkward conversation ever. “I can’t believe you turned me in.” “I can’t believe you tried to kill my sister.” “You should have killed me.” “I can never trust you.” Hannah says if he gets rid of the pen, they …

American Horror Story: Asylum - S2E9 - The Coat Hanger

Previously on American Horror Story: Asylum… This week marks the return of season one’s star Dylan McDermott! He’s in a familiar setting from season one, too; he’s in a therapist’s office, but he’s playing the patient (in season one, he played the therapist). He’s speaking with a female therapist and telling her about his “problem”, …

BluTuesday - December 11th, 2012

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

December 11, 2012 in BluTuesday

Ho, ho, ho, everybody! Joseph here, and I’m bringing you what’s new in Blu for December 11, 2012. This week’s episode features high spies, a bunch of lost animals, freaky teddy bears, and…well…freaky girls. Ready? Let’s grab some eggnog and get to it.   The Bourne Legacy (PG-13) Rotten Tomatoes rating: 56% The Bourne Legacy …

Dexter - S7E11 - Do You See What I See

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

December 10, 2012 in Dexter - S7, Featured

Previously on Dexter. And now… Dexter fantasizes about growing old with Hannah. His daydream is interrupted when he gets a call informing him that the man who gave the order to murder his mother is up for parole that very morning. Hannah tells Dexter that it could be the universe giving him a Christmas present. …

American Horror Story: Asylum - S2E8 - Unholy Night

Previously, on American Horror Story: Asylum… Right off the bat: 1962, Santa Claus is murdered. Well, it’s a dude outside a store ringing a bell, but it’s a better scene if you say Santa Claus is murdered. The murderer (guest star Ian McShane) takes the newly bloodstained Santa suit, breaks into a well-decorated house, takes …

New to Netflix: Disney Edition

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

December 5, 2012 in New to Netflix

Hey, everybody. Joseph here, and I’m coming with some breaking news. As per the Los Angeles Times, Netflix has bought exclusive rights to all of the movies from Walt Disney Studios effective 2016. Currently, Disney is under contract with Starz – which had a streaming deal with Netflix that ended in February 2012. But, once …

The 5 Most Annoying Child Actors

Avatar of John Elrod II by John Elrod II

December 5, 2012 in Top Movie Lists

Twenty-two years ago, a nine-year-old Macaulay Culkin took over the planet when Christmas movie-and bad parenting guidebook-Home Alone was released. Everyone was going around screaming “Ahhhh!” People loved that little kid, as they should have; he was great in that movie. He was so great, in fact, society has kept tabs on him. He’s done …

BluTuesday - December 4th, 2012

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

December 4, 2012 in BluTuesday, Featured

Happy holidays! Joseph here, and I’m bringing you the good stuff in Bluray for December 4, 2012. This week’s episode features the end of an era, fish in 3D, kids popping up out of nowhere, and the most hilarious display of jaundice ever. All set? Well, get your hot cocoa and let’s get to it. …

Dexter - S7E10 - The Dark… Whatever

Avatar of Nina Perez by Nina Perez

December 3, 2012 in Dexter - S7, Featured

Previously on Dexter. And now… Another arson murder. They’re calling the killer, “The Phantom.”  This time he killed a mother and child. Dexter is suspicious of the fire investigator because he’s a little too comfortable looking at the burnt corpse of a child. Later, at Hannah’s, Dexter reveals that he calls his need to kill …