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Arrow - S4E7 - Brotherhood

Previously on Arrow, ‘Lost Souls’

This episode, Diggle dealt with the fact that his brother is not as dead as he thought, and not as good a guy as he thought. He is pretty emphatically against Andy, but Oliver (quite possibly projecting some of his own issues onto Diggle) is all for saving him from his life as one of Darhk’s ghosts. As so often happens, Oliver gets his way, and Team Arrow stage a daring rescue for the unwilling Andy.

In another equally uninteresting storyline, Ray is sad that all he left behind when he died was a successful company, his city renamed in his honor, and his legacy as a great scientist and mayor. Excuse me while I play the world’s smallest violin. We also got our first good look at Ant Man Iron Man ATOM in action.

Images: The CW

Malcolm is also back to gift Thea a pedophile to kill, but luckily (?) she doesn’t have to take him up on his offer because Darhk’s magic conveniently both doesn’t kill her, and temporarily takes away her bloodlust. Oh, and she also takes out her anger beating up some skeeze in a bar, which disrupts her date with Alex. I didn’t really see the big deal there, I’d beat up any man who thinks no means yes, too.


This show will take any excuse to put hot people in formal wear, and I, for one, LOVE IT.

I’m digging the scenes between Laurel and Diggle (or ‘Lauriggle’, as I refer to them in my head) this season. They have a lot in common and play well off each other.

The fight scene between Thea and Andy was pretty badass.


Q: How many episodes have opened with an armored truck being chased by guys in motorcycles?

A: Far too many episodes.

If Thea is so concerned about killing people why not just not carry a big-ass knife with her everywhere?

Are we supposed to pretend that an exploding arrow to the chest wouldn’t kill a guy? There’s suspension of disbelief, but that’s stretching it. In the same vein, can they stop shooting arrows in to nothingness and pretending there’s something to swing on? Enough is enough.

Quotes of the Week

“This has to better than how you usually spend your evenings, dressing in leather and tying people up.” – Felicity thoroughly disturbing an old lady

“Maybe they’re playing bingo… Deadly bingo” – There have been worse theories

“It’s Merida. Aren’t you out a little past bedtime” – Darhk, proving that he’s up to date with his Pixar princesses.

Arrow S4E7
  • 5/10
    Plot - 5/10
  • 6/10
    Dialogue - 6/10
  • 6/10
    Performances - 6/10


This episode was pretty much the definition of ‘meh’. I felt like I should have been invested in the Andy storyline, but he was a far more compelling character motivation when he was dead. There are only so many resurrection storylines I can handle, and this year we’ve had to deal with Roy, Oliver, Thea, Sara, Ray, and Andy being dead, and then not so dead. ENOUGH. I’m honestly looking forward to whenever they reveal who is in that grave in the flash-forward, because at least that death will probably stick.

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About Alison Millward (103 Articles)
Alison is a big nerd living in Melbourne, Australia. She is a lover of all things television, particularly anything in the "hot young people in depressing sci-fi situations" genre. When not watching tv, Alison enjoys long walks on the beach, corrupting young minds, and actively avoiding thinking about her future.
Contact: Facebook

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