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Bates Motel - S4E4 - Lights of Winter

Previously on Bates Motel, ‘‘Til Death Do You Part’

By the end of this week’s episode Norman seems to have finally accepted that he needs help, but I’m not sure if I like the way he got there. Norman believes he’s going to be released any moment because the police will be looking into his mother for the murders, but Dr. Edwards informs him he’ll remain in treatment while the police look into Norman’s claims.

This leads petulant Norman to escape with Justin, who leads him to a strip bar. Everything from this point forward felt so ridiculous I was certain it was a dream sequence. The two underage guys are not only allowed inside, they’re each spirited away to VIP rooms where their respective strippers promise anything they want. This sensual encounter triggers “Norma” and Norman shames the girl for her life choices. I never believed Norman would use the screwdriver he had to harm her because nothing about the scene felt real.

Images: A&E Networks

Still, when Dr. Edwards arrives to collect him, Norman realizes he’s blacked out and with no Norma around to blame, he asks Edwards for help.

Norma is in full nurture mood after her night with Romero. She makes him breakfast; he asks her out on another date. This time Norma passes to travel to Portland and visit Emma.

While she’s gone, Romero goes into the town’s only bank to open a new account for him and Norma. Rebecca point blank asks if he killed Bob Paris and tells Romero about a second key needed to enter Paris’ secret safety deposit box, which holds $3 million. Romero plays ignorant about both things.

When Norma later surprises Romero at the town’s carnival, Rebecca takes that opportunity to creepily introduce herself to Norma. Between that and the fact that the couple finds their home ransacked, something tell me Rebecca doesn’t believe Romero’s innocence.

Bates Motel S4E4
  • 7/10
    Plot - 7/10
  • 8.5/10
    Dialogue - 8.5/10
  • 10/10
    Performances - 10/10


Am I the only one who thought Dr. Edwards was going to casually mention Norma’s marriage to Romero when he brought up the police looking into Norman’s claims? That would have ended so badly.

With Dylan agreeing to move to Seattle with Emma, my feelings that something terrible will happen to one or both of them before that can happen have intensified.

User Review
5 (3 votes)
About Nina Perez (1391 Articles)
Nina Perez is the founder of Project Fandom. She is also the author of a YA series of books, "The Twin Prophecies," and a collection of essays titled, "Blog It Out, B*tch." Her latest books, a contemporary romance 6-book series titled Sharing Space, are now available on for Kindle download. She has a degree in journalism, works in social media, lives in Portland, Oregon, and loves Idris Elba. When not watching massive amounts of British television or writing, she is sketching plans to build her very own TARDIS. She watches more television than anyone you know and she's totally fine with that.

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