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Review: Birthright #1


Well, this is my first review of a comic book for Project Fandom and this is a great one to start off with. Image’s Birthright # by Joshua Williamson of Nailbiter and Ghosted fame, is a story which uses childhood adventure concepts - the Goonies comes to mind - on an epic fantasy - The Lord of the Rings -  scale.

A young boy, Mickey Rhodes, is celebrating his birthday by playing catch with his dad. When the ball gets over thrown over a fence, Mikey runs into the woods after it. He is not seen or heard from again. The disappearance splinters the family. The police believe the father, Aaron Rhodes, had something to do with the disappearance and the wife, Wendy, not knowing what to believe leans more toward the police’s theory and divorces Aaron.


The only person who believes Aaron is his oldest son, Brennan, who is having his own issues not being able to deal with his brother going missing. One day the local police department comes across a mysterious man who may have a connection to the disappearance, or at least an idea to Mikey’s whereabouts. The man seems to be crazy, but tells a story about a fantastical land called Terrenos.

I will not go any further than that because you have to read it to get the full experience. I will say, by the end you are chomping at the bit to find out what happens next! The book reads really fast but in a good way. The art by Andrei Bressan has an epic feel to it and fits the book perfectly.

About Michael James (88 Articles)
An Air Force brat and former bluesuiter, Michael was raised all over the country, but calls the southwest his home… although you would not know it since he currently resides in the nation’s capital! (For now…?) He is also a reformed government black suit and tie guy who now gives back to the world one child at a time as a child therapist. He was brought up on Star Trek NG, Buck Rogers and old BSG TV shows and he loves most things Geek (TV: GoT, BSG, Fringe, Walking Dead; Comics: Image, DC, Marvel; Movies: Empire Strikes Back, Aliens, Serenity, The Avengers, Man of Steel (I know!), Pacific Rim, and Edge of Tomorrow. His perfect time would be traipsing around the world with his family and his two dogs, discovering and experiencing all kinds of ridiculous adventures. Too bad he doesn’t have William Bell money!

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