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BluTuesday - January 2, 2013

Happy New Year! Joseph here, and I’m bringing you what’s new in Blu for January 2nd, 2013. Yes, yes…I know today is Wednesday, but I was getting over a hangover yesterday; shut it. Anyway, today’s episode featues trippy time travel, the amazing sights and sounds of a limo ride, and spectres. Ready? Grab you a bottle of Vitamin Water Revive (endorsed by none other than Nanea Hoffman herself) and let’s get into it.


Looper (R) – Released December 31st, 2012…aka last year

Rotten Tomatoes rating:  94%

In this futuristic action thriller, time travel will be invented - but it will be illegal and only available on the black market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into the past where a ‘looper’ - a hired gun, like Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) - is waiting to mop up. Joe is getting rich and life is good - until the day the mob decides to ‘close the loop,’ sending back Joe’s future self (Bruce Willis) for assassination. The film is written and directed by Rian Johnson and also stars Emily Blunt, Paul Dano, and Jeff Daniels. This movie comes in a single disc Bluray + Ultraviolet digital copy and a single disc DVD + Ultraviolet digital copy. This movie surprised a lot of people with how good it was and by how it took an interesting view on time travel, and it is my pick of the week.


Cosmopolis (R)

Rotten Tomatoes rating: 65%

Eric Packer (Robert Pattinson), a 28-year-old billionaire asset manager, heads out in his tricked-out stretch limo, while remotely wagering his company’s massive fortune on a bet against the Chinese Yuan. His trip across the city quickly turns into a wild, hypnotic odyssey as he encounters explosive city riots and a parade of provocative visitors. Having started the day with everything, Packer’s perfectly ordered, doubt-free world is about to implode. This is being released in both a single disc Bluray and single disc DVD flavor. This movie was supposed to be a way of getting Robert Pattinson out of the massive shadow of the “Twilight” franchise and make him his own actor. Instead, the film lasted about three minutes in theaters, and faded into oblivion. So, if you just want to see what Pattinson looks like when he’s not a sparkly vampire, check this out. Otherwise, watch “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.” You’ll have more fun.


Being Human: The Complete Second Season 

Leading everyday lives is harder than it looks for three twenty-something supernatural roommates vampire Aidan (Sam Witwer),ghost Sally (Meaghan Rath) and werewolf Josh(Sam Huntington). Together, they share the creature comforts of a Boston brownstone while struggling to resist the temptations of their true natures and keep their secrets hidden from the outside world. Bonus Features: Season 2 Making-of Featurette, Behind-the-Scenes Interview, Being Human at San Diego Comic-Con 2012. This series comes in both a four disc Bluray and a four disc DVD set. If you’re a fan of the SyFy series, this is the set for you.


Well, that’s all I got for this opening salvo. Got any questions or comments? Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments below.


Until next time…

About Joseph Seltzer (401 Articles)
Joseph K. Seltzer is a movie reviewer for When not writing or talking obsessively about the art of movies and TV to anyone who will pretend to listen – especially when it comes to his love for the musical score – he works as a Help Desk technician for a local school board. Generally, you can find him either burrowed in front of the TV watching movies or playing video games, or spending time with his precocious daughter.
Contact: Facebook

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