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First Full Length Man of Steel Trailer

Warner Bros. just released the first full-length trailer for this summer’s Man of Steel, and it gives the rest of this year’s releases something to strive for.

You know how, just a few hours ago, I was like, “This Star Trek Into Darkness trailer is the best one of the year, so far”? Well, it just so happens that “so far” is a dandy little phrase that could last weeks, months, or perhaps even just a few hours. That is precisely the case, now that Warner Bros. has released this trailer for Man of Steel, and it is phenomenal. It showcases action, it communicates the grandeur of the Superman story, it shows us more of Amy Adams’ reporter Lois Lane, and all of that is accompanied by the same inspirational monologue we’ve already gotten from the previous teasers. It feels like they have truly hit on the perfect marriage of Christopher Nolan’s world-shaping prowess and Zack Snyder’s uniquely visionary direction. The wait for this was worth it; June 14th just became the day of summer.

About John Elrod II (285 Articles)
John is currently untitled. This complete lack of definition would drive most into abject bitterness and utter despair, but not someone of John’s virility. No, John is the picture of mental stability and emotional platitude.

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