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Geek Item of the Week: Veronica Mars - The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line

Right on the heels of the Veronica Mars movie comes the Veronica Mars book! Written by Rob Thomas, it picks up where the movie leaves off. It’s called The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line. This is the first in a series, so if it’s good, we’ll have more to look forward to. I always love discovering a new mystery series, so I’m excited about the potential. You can pick it up on Amazon in paperback; Kindle ebook; or audio, if you’re into that sort of thing.

*I haven’t read it yet, so here’s a synopsis from Amazon:

Ten years after graduating from high school in Neptune, California, Veronica Mars is back in the land of sun, sand, crime, and corruption. She’s traded in her law degree for her old private investigating license, struggling to keep Mars Investigations afloat on the scant cash earned by catching cheating spouses until she can score her first big case.

Now it’s spring break, and college students descend on Neptune, transforming the beaches and boardwalks into a frenzied, week-long rave. When a girl disappears from a party, Veronica is called in to investigate. But this is no simple missing person’s case; the house the girl vanished from belongs to a man with serious criminal ties, and soon Veronica is plunged into a dangerous underworld of drugs and organized crime. And when a major break in the investigation has a shocking connection to Veronica’s past, the case hits closer to home than she ever imagined.


*Nina will have a full review of this book on Project Fandom next week. 

About Patti Matteucci (265 Articles)
Patti Matteucci plays in an imaginary band in Illinois where she rocks the mic like a vandal while simultaneously cooking MCs like a pound of bacon. She is into most nerdy things but doesn’t excel enough in any to be labeled a nerd. One of her top skillz is scouring the internet for recipes, printing out a big pile, and then throwing them away before ever trying them when she remembers that you can have food made and delivered to your front door by somebody else. She is a 14 year old trapped inside a 33 year old’s body (or maybe also a 14 year old’s body) with an unabashed love for Justin Bieber and far too much time spent marrying celebrities in Sims 3.
Contact: Facebook

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