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Gotham - S2E4 - Strike Force

Previously on Gotham, ‘The Last Laugh’

Ladies and Others, lets talk about the future. Penguin is having problems making money since Jerome and the MANIAX! reign of terror ended. People are scared and businesses have suffered. Penguin wants the chaos to end. However, Galavan has other plans and sends Tabitha to ask Penguin for a sit down. He complies and meets the dashing billionaire mayoral candidate. Penguin figures out Galavan is behind everything and that he has a plan for a bigger, brighter future. And just so Penguin knows what is up, they use his mommy to help him understand.

Images: FOX

Images: FOX

Meanwhile, the new captain, Nathaniel Barnes (Michael Chiklis), wants to “bust” some people who are breaking the law. But first he has to clean house. Gordon seems to like what he sees, but I am not sure about the rest of the precinct. Barnes makes Gordon his second in command and tells him they are going to fix the department and bring law and order back to the city. His plan: Draft rookies right out of the academy and form GCPC Strike Force Alpha. Their first mission is to take down the Penguin.

Also, Bruce is starting his training with a nice 6-mile run back to Wayne Manor from school. In thanking Galavan for saving his life, meets Silver St. Cloud (Natalie Alyn Lind) who is loosely related to Galavan and it looks like Bruce and Silver are going to be classmates. Move over, Selina. Oh, and Nygma is going out on a date.

Most Terrifying Villain(s)

Jerome is dead so he is out of contention. Sent by Galavan, Penguin stabs a city official in the face and it was pretty gnarly.

Holily One Liner(s) Batman

“Yes, you’re right; you do have rights…You have the right to remain silent,” Captain Barnes said as he laid down the law to the men and women of the GCPD. From now on…”Any officer, detective, rookie, or clerk who breaks the law will not just lose their job, but will go to jail. If you turn a blind eye at a crime I will bust you…”

Most Ridiculous Scene(s)

I don’t want the ladies to come at me with this one but… come on, man! We have a 200-plus pound male going up against a 5-foot, 110 pound (maybe) woman in a boxing ring - without safety equipment, mind you. As Barnes says, she is getting her ass handed to her when she takes a punch in the head and becomes superhuman. She punches the guy in the stomach and after a few head shots, knocks him out. She pulls off her gloves and smiles. So unless she is Vixen and has called the spirit of a gorilla, I had a hard time with this scene.

Honorable Mention

As Barnes promotes Gordon they reminisce about their military days, which ends in a salute. Who does that?

Best Scene 

When Barnes comes into the GCPD and cleans house. The scene begins with him throwing a chair on the ground to get everyone’s attention, which was a good kind of cheesy and then he tells another officer to clean it up. He proceeds to call several officers out and fire them and while arresting one. Talk about making a statement.

Best Performance 

Barbara had a very small part that was really funny. Bullock also did a good job as he followed Gordon around telling him to tell Barnes what was up. Everyone else was just okay. Barnes was the loudest, if that counts.

Worst Performance/Writing

Having Alfred punch Selina was awful and shocking to watch. Never thought I would see this character treat a child this way.

Gotham S2E4 - Nygma

Other Goings On

Nygma asks Ms. Kringle out to a restaurant and she says yes. She discovers that the restaurant is at his house. Nygma’s got game! He almost blows it, though, by talking about Ms. Kringle’s former love interest, Detective Dougherty, who we know disappeared last season. He does pull it off by having a honest moment telling her that he talks to himself, which she seems to be into and allows him kiss her. Is this the beginning of beautiful friendship or the end of Ms. Kringle?


Alfred the child abuser? What? Alfred is waiting for Bruce to get out of school and so is Selina. As she flips off the wall she was waiting on, Alfred hauls off and hits her in the face. WTF, Alfred? I know she killed Reggie, who was his friend but also a killer, but you are hitting a young girl, dude! Not cool.

Gotham S2E4 - Alfred and Selina


Gotham S2E4
  • 6/10
    Plot - 6/10
  • 6/10
    Dialogue - 6/10
  • 5/10
    Performances - 5/10


This episode had a few strong points like Galavan’s plan to use Penguin to get the public to feel like they need him to run for Mayor. Also, the recruiting cadets out of the academy before they can get corrupted to form Strike Force Alpha was a cool idea that did not come together very well on screen. The Nygma date worked well. There were a few bland moments (See: Bruce and Gordon scenes), and this episode did not hit the same entertainment level as the past three episodes.

User Review
5 (1 vote)
About Michael James (88 Articles)
An Air Force brat and former bluesuiter, Michael was raised all over the country, but calls the southwest his home… although you would not know it since he currently resides in the nation’s capital! (For now…?) He is also a reformed government black suit and tie guy who now gives back to the world one child at a time as a child therapist. He was brought up on Star Trek NG, Buck Rogers and old BSG TV shows and he loves most things Geek (TV: GoT, BSG, Fringe, Walking Dead; Comics: Image, DC, Marvel; Movies: Empire Strikes Back, Aliens, Serenity, The Avengers, Man of Steel (I know!), Pacific Rim, and Edge of Tomorrow. His perfect time would be traipsing around the world with his family and his two dogs, discovering and experiencing all kinds of ridiculous adventures. Too bad he doesn’t have William Bell money!

1 Comment on Gotham - S2E4 - Strike Force

  1. I wanted to see what other people were thinking about that slap. I couldn’t believe Alfred would haul off and slap a little girl like that.

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