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Throwback Thursday Podcast: Heroes S1E12 ‘Godsend’

In this episode:

  • Claire tries to give HRG an opportunity to be honest but he’s like, “Nope.”
  • Claire goes to Zach for help… again
  • Peter meets The Doctor
  • Isaac is looking really good when he’s not twitching for a fix.
  • Matt makes a fool of Audrey and comes clean to his wife.
  • Hiro and Nathan are reunited.

We hope you enjoy our new weekly podcast and join us every Thursday as we cover every episode of every season of Heroes. We should finish this in time to start Heroes Reborn in 2015! To leave feedback that we’ll read on the air you can tweet us and use the hashtags #PFHeroes and #HeroesReborn. You can also email it to projectfandom(at)gmail(dot)com. Make sure you subscribe! Also, don’t forget to leave iTunes feedback if you enjoy the show.

Join us next week when we’ll discuss Heroes S1E13 ‘The Fix’

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Project Fandom offers up the latest in TV, movies, books, comics, anime, manga, and more for the geek in all of us.

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