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Hiddleston Confirms He Won’t Be in Avengers Sequel

Tom Hiddleston has confirmed what most of us had already surmised: He will not be in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Unless you’ve been in a coma for the past year, you’re well aware that Hiddleston’s Loki was the main villain in Marvel’s The Avengers. He delivered some of the best lines and who could forget the Hulk/Loki face-off? Those will have to remain fond memories.

Hiddleston told EW, “When I think of all the things I loved as a child, for example, Hans Gruber wasn’t in Die Hard 2. And in Indiana Jones, by the time he moved from the Lost Ark to the Temple of Doom, there was a whole new bad guy. I think keeping it fresh and new is good for The Avengers even though it’s a shame for me. And let’s face it, there’s seven or eight of them as it is, and Joss is thinking about adding two more, so the screen’s gonna be a busy place. But I had the time of my life on that film. It was the most fun ever.”

Loki fans, don’t fret. He will return in Thor: The Dark World.


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