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James Franco Has Joined the Veronica Mars Movie

That’s right, Marshmallows and Marsbars; the cast of the Veronica Mars movie has grown by one Franco today, as the Oz the Great and Powerful star has unofficially joined its cast.

As reported by Zap2It, James Franco will be a part of the Veronica Mars movie, and he will be reprising the role he played in the recent hit comedy This is the End; that is to say, he will be playing James Franco, himself. Sure, it’s likely just a cameo, but still. Some minor spoilery plot details are beyond this point, so be forewarned.

As has already been known, the series’ big-screen continuation sees Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell) returning to her Neptune, California, home for a 10-year high school reunion. While she’s home, she has to help Logan (Jason Dohring) figure out the truth about his girlfriend’s death.

The new details are as follows: Franco will reportedly be playing one of several celebrities who have been scammed by someone who has secretly recorded them with hidden cameras and then attempted to sell the recordings. Oh, this is going to be good.

You’ll recall that this Veronica Mars movie is only happening because series creator Rob Thomas-along with Kristen Bell-took to Kickstarter for a round of crowdsourcing from all us fans, amassing an impressive total of over $5.7 million from a record number of backers. What you may not be aware of is the smaller IndieGogo campaign James Franco is currently running to raise funds for his Palo Alto Stories film series. Some may see Franco’s involvement in the Veronica Mars movie as a shrewd business tactic to bring a bit more attention to his crowdsourcing venture, but I’d prefer to see this as just another serendipitous, happy accident in the long and unpredictable career of James Franco.

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