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Jane the Virgin - S2E11 - Chapter Thirty-Three

Previously on Jane the Virgin, ‘Chapter Thirty-Two’

Images: The CW/Screenshots

Jane the (Lusty) Virgin

Jane dreams of a love. A forbidden love. With her advisor, Jonathan Chavez, aka the Hotty Professor. Filled with passion, Jane uses her writing as an outlet. Her fictional story gets steamy. Her real-life story gets messy. Jane attempts to read and act upon Chavez’s signals. She ends up with a mouthful of sweater. For the sake of her writing and her ego, Jane decides to get a new advisor. Since Jane’s reality is our fiction, she realizes she read his signals right all along. He asks her to dinner. Michael out (for now), Chavez in, the triangle stays intact.

Can’t Always Get What You Want

Xiomara gets her big break. She put her dreams of being a professional singer on the back burner to be a mother. Now that her child is an adult, Xio decides to make her dreams come true. She celebrates her fortieth with a sultry performance.

Rogelio can’t catch a break. He is doing a great job at babysitting, until Mateo swallows a diamond. He gets (unfairly) chewed out by his daughter for bad grandfathering. Jane comes to her senses and apologizes and gives him the (cleaned and disinfected) diamond so he can propose to Xiomara. Things are looking up. Rogelio’s proposal is a tear-jerker. Unfortunately, Xiomara’s refusal is a tear-jerker as well. She doesn’t want more kids.

This show does an excellent job of keeping the character choices relatable without resorting to demonization. We can cheer for Xiomara, feel sad for Rogelio, and desperately wish for these two to find some way to come together.

Paying for Past Transgressions

The Mirabella needs business, but Izzie Hillcroft has decided to move her wedding. Raf says he’ll woo her back. After all, he’s so good at wooing fiancées. Flashback to: Rakish Raf wooing Wide-Eyed (and affianced) Petra at a dinner. She couldn’t resist his bad boy charm (and money). Who could blame her? Unfortunately, Izzie pulled out because of Petra and her bad girl ways. Petra takes on the wedding for free, as well as the art she inspired. The Trophy Wife.

Raf and Petra share fond memories and he kisses her. Petra pulls away because she knows he’s not over Jane and she doesn’t want to get hurt, again. Sigh.

These two characters were very similar when they first met. Raf changed and he no longer fit with shallow, scheming Petra. But now Petra too, has changed. It seems like they might fit well together, again. Even if these two don’t get together in the long run, I appreciate the journey.

A Rose by Any Other Name (or Face)

The Chip in Michael’s Calf pays off and they are able to match the faces Sin Rostro changed to their real identities. The team also confirms that Rose is Elaina’s step daughter.

So wait. Elaina is Rose’s step-Mutter. Rose is also Luisa’s step-Mutter. So, Elaina is Luisa’s step-Mutter and step-grand-Mutter and Luisa made out with her step-Mutter and step-sister. No wonder she still has feelings for her. Poor Susanna (that’s Michael’s partner’s name, if you were wondering).

Jane the Virgin S2E11
  • 7.5/10
    Plot - 7.5/10
  • 9.5/10
    Dialogue - 9.5/10
  • 9.5/10
    Performances - 9.5/10


Another strong one for Jane. While it’s no surprise Chavez is now a love interest, I did appreciate the cringe-inducing awkwardness leading up to it. We’ve all seen the baby/animal-eating-the-diamond/ring plot before, but Rogelio’s proposal was worth it. I wasn’t surprised something would get in the way of Rogelio and Xiomara, but the reason felt real. Her decision to follow her career in lieu of having more kids was a strong choice by the writers. I’ll admit that I am a sucker for Petra and Raf. Their reminiscing and growing closer seemed natural and sweet. I know I’m in the minority, but Petra pulling away was a little heartbreaking for me. As usual, Jane infuses television tropes with genuine heart and emotion.

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5 (2 votes)
About Mallika Chakravarti (99 Articles)
Mallika is a digital marketer, yoga teacher and nutritionist. She spends her fun time writing, podcasting, consuming vast amounts of media and wishing she could fly. Mallika can currently be found thinking of something else.
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