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Jane the Virgin - S2E21 - Chapter Forty-Three

Previously on Jane the Virgin, “Chapter Forty-Two”

Images: The CW

Time flies

Mateo turns one. It has been a year since Jane the Virgin became a mother and a lot has changed. Remember when he was kidnapped in the season premiere? Mateo returns to the scene of his abduction for his birthday. Flashbacks to Mateo growing up throughout the year were sweet and very fitting for the penultimate episode.

Si Se Puede

Rogelio’s determination to give his daughter the wedding she deserved was a high point in this episode. He dirtied his hands, used his glutes, and pushed through his phobia. Jane can be annoying and Rogelio can be over-the-top, but the Jane/Rogelio dynamic is one of the best in this show. The tough love scene on the scaffolding was amusing and touching. Of course, Rogelio ultimately throws money at the problem and will helicopter Michael’s mother in to attend the wedding. If there is a wedding. Sigh.

Team Petra?

Rafael is being blackmailed. He has Jane on one shoulder and Petra on the other. He listens to Petra, but Jane wins, anyway. Jane has been a little too sanctimonious these past couple of episodes and it would have been nice for Petra to get a win. On the plus side, Jane does call Petra family. On the minus side, we can’t be sure it was actually Petra. Magda and Aneska have been colluding for a year and Aneska’s Petra act is strong, leaving us to question most Petra scenes. I still don’t care much for this storyline, but I’m vaguely interested to see what Magda has planned and how botched it will get as Aneska falls for Rafael. Which twin told Raf she loved him?

Yael’s dramatic shift in body language from Aneska-as-Petra to Aneska is fascinating to watch. She goes from glamorous to mousey by changing nothing but posture.

Impending Doom

Jane may have a publishing contact, but her romance story isn’t ready. Her advisor tells her it’s good enough for grad school, but not for publishing. Jane comes to the tough decision to wait until she has something really compelling. Is this an analogy for the Jane-Michael relationship? Are we being told it’s good but not magical? With all the forlorn looks and heart glows Rafael was giving Jane this episode, it’s likely he’ll be a contender, again. And she did say she loved him (even if it was over fries). Probably after Michael dies/gets amnesia/is jilted at the alter/all three. Sigh.

Oh Yeah

Michael and Barnett find Mutter in a hole in the Fairway and Derek escapes with the money. I’m a little curious as to who he’s talking to on the phone, but not very.

Jane the Virgin S2E21
  • 7/10
    Plot - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Action - 7/10
  • 8.5/10
    Dialogue - 8.5/10
  • 8.5/10
    Performances - 8.5/10


I was happy with this episode. The Mateo scenes and the father-daughter scenes got to me. The twin plotline actually engaged me. I’m glad we hit on some emotional nostalgic moments leading up to what I expect will be a fairly ridiculous (hopefully, in a good way) season finale.

User Review
5 (1 vote)
About Mallika Chakravarti (99 Articles)
Mallika is a digital marketer, yoga teacher and nutritionist. She spends her fun time writing, podcasting, consuming vast amounts of media and wishing she could fly. Mallika can currently be found thinking of something else.
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