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Jane the Virgin - S2E3 - Chapter Twenty-Five

Previously on Jane the Virgin, ‘Chapter Twenty-Four’

Blink Once for Si

Jane’s competiveness and desire to be a “good mother” puts pressure on Mateo and herself. Jane has to make a decision about grad school. Mateo has to make a decision about blinking. They both decide to say “yes.” Mateo amazingly grows and shrinks in this episode. Ah, baby actors.

Plan Plot B

Where, oh where, is Luisa? She finds herself at the hands of German captors who decidedly do not work for her ex-lover Rose. In fact, Rose may be Luisa’s Obi Wan. Save me Sin Rostro, you’re my only hope.

Sympathy for the…Petra

Well, she’s definitely pregnant with Raf’s (not) love child (unless someone switched the semen sample?). It could be said that this was Jane’s fault. She devised the scheme to get on Petra’s good side by giving her hope that Rafael loved Petra still. The hurt (and conniving) Petra gives Jafeal choices three. Xio votes for abortion. Alba votes for Russia. But the non-couple couple agrees to involve themselves (and wee baby Mateo) in Petra’s and her unborn baby’s life. Oh goody.

The Passions of Padres, Walnut Crushing Machine Edition 

Rogelio is forced to come face-to-face with She-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named, Luciana. Xio thinks it will be healing for him to confront his ex but she is unprepared for the steam that arises from Rogelio and Luciana’s passionate embrace on set. Points to Rogelio for choosing Xiomara over his show. Too bad the careless Peach Biter thinks nothing of a little blackmail vengeance and leave the kitten without his fur hanging from a cliff. This show does devious blonds rather well.

Dad Wars

Michael – He’s Mateo’s Godfather. He got caught up in Rogelio’s crazy scheme but in the end he was true to his feelings. He speaks Sad Jane. He gave her great advice and she listened.

Rafael – He’s Mateo’s Biofather. He got caught up in Petra’s crazy scheme, but in the end he was true to his feelings. He speaks Conflicted Jane. She gave him great advice and he listened.

Villanueva Women Do

The juiciest infant in all of Miami is getting primed for his baptism. We have flashbacks of Alma getting ready for Xiomara’s baptism and Xio getting ready for Jane’s. Three generations of women who had babies under varying circumstances, joined through time by motherhood. The baptism speech. Hard to imagine this didn’t touch anyone who has ever loved a child (or a pet, or a plant).

Is it a Bechdel Test Fail if the male in question is under 2 feet tall?

Jane the Virgin S2E3
  • 9/10
    Plot - 9/10
  • 9.5/10
    Dialogue - 9.5/10
  • 9.5/10
    Performances - 9.5/10


The challenges of balancing motherhood and a career is a real struggle for many women. Everyone seems to have an opinion and everyone wants to tell mothers what they should or should not do. I like the way this show addresses this as an individual decision. I’m glad Jane decided to let go of the need for perfection, accept the help of her family and go to Grad School. Everything about the baptism speech had me in tears. I wasn’t thrilled about Rogelio’s dating advice but I loved the way it ended. I will say I could spend less time with Luisa and the excessive hashtag usage and not be unhappy.

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5 (1 vote)
About Mallika Chakravarti (99 Articles)
Mallika is a digital marketer, yoga teacher and nutritionist. She spends her fun time writing, podcasting, consuming vast amounts of media and wishing she could fly. Mallika can currently be found thinking of something else.
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3 Comments on Jane the Virgin - S2E3 - Chapter Twenty-Five

  1. They’re campaigning hard for #TeamMichael lately, and I’m falling for it. Is it just me or are Raf (and Rogelio) are lookin’ kinda skinny, this season? #haveacarb

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