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Jane the Virgin - S3E12 - Chapter Fifty-Six

Previously on Jane the Virgin, “Chapter Fifty-Five”

Images: The CW

HALT and Do Not Panic

Jane tackles another real-life issue. We learn Jane had panic attacks following Michael’s death (really, who wouldn’t) and goes to therapy. I commend this show portrays therapy and seeking help in a positive light. I’m also very happy they continue to address the impact of Michael’s death on Jane without miring the show in her emotional turmoil. They strike a very good balance of spending time with Jane’s genuine and understandable grief while staying true to the lightness and humor inherent to this show.

Michael’s partner, Dennis, is part of her grieving process. He and Jane bond over their loss and they have some sweet moments talking about Michael, as people after such a loss. But Dennis is a detective and he’s on this television show, so he does a little (innocent) snooping and Jane catches him, misreads the situation and doesn’t let him explain. Slightly frustrating, but it leads to one of the best scenes in this episode as she confronts Dennis in the boxing ring. Thank goodness for Mateo’s words of wisdom. Maybe Jane needs a sensei.

Jane’s temper also gets in her way at work. She may be a pre-published author, but advances don’t pay out like she thought. She quits her job, burning all the bridges before she realizes her mistake. She tries to make amends, but not even a near-death spinning class helps. So she is back at the Marbella, courtesy of Raf. Her new bestie.

The Old Ship Rane (Jafael?) 

They are working hard prepare this ship for sail. Rafael has suddenly slid into super supportive friend mode. He’s tough loving her dreams and she’s real talking his zen. We know what happened to the last guy who propped up Jane…. Before he got dead, I mean. Oh, don’t panic; Rafael isn’t a white male.

So, it took me until this episode to realize Rafael’s forgettable girlfriend is Minka Kelly. She’ll have to serve some greater purpose to this plot before she evaporates into the ether, yes? Odds on, she killed Scott.

Random Bits

CSI: Petra: Petra investigates Scott’s dead body. She seems supportive of her new…buddy, Chuck. Turns out, she pushed Scott over to Chuck’s property. So Petra

Abla’s Coffee Talk: Alba brought Rogelio down to earth, this episode. I’m not really invested in the whole reality show/scorned Xo plotline (though I do feel bad for Darci), but Alba time is always Quality Time. 

Not So Zen: Rafael and his beard bro, Elvis, had something to do with Scott’s murder. Facial hair and thunder. So ominous.

Visual Fun: Spontaneous mental dancing (watch Raf’s hips). Spin agony. Portholes.


Jane the Virgin S3E12
  • 7/10
    Plot - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Action - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Dialogue - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Performances - 7/10

"Chapter Fifty-Six"

This was a fairly good episode but nothing exceptional. I was entertained but it wasn’t a memorable one for me.

User Review
5 (1 vote)
About Mallika Chakravarti (99 Articles)
Mallika is a digital marketer, yoga teacher and nutritionist. She spends her fun time writing, podcasting, consuming vast amounts of media and wishing she could fly. Mallika can currently be found thinking of something else.
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