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Jane the Virgin - S3E3 - Chapter Forty-Seven

Previously on Jane the Virgin, “Chapter Forty-Six”

Images: The CW

 Well, it finally happened. This show should be commended for being brave enough to go beyond its title and doing it well. Jane’s emotional journey was our emotional journey.

Sex, Lies, and Videotape

Jane and Michael consummated their marriage 15 minutes into this episode. I have no idea what happened in those first 15 minutes other than the lack of sex. Her family, her advisor, the narrator. All just irritating distractions adding to surmounting frustration. Finally, just when we were growing tired of waiting, Jane and Michael were finally alone together. They were in bed. They said sweet words. It looked like it was going to happen. I fully expected it all to be a dream or for Rogelio to pop up from under the bed. But it wasn’t a tease. It actually happened.

Very quickly, actually. Before we knew it, Jane had broken through its titular barrier. Done.

As Jane stared up at the ceiling, we stared at the screen with a shared sense of disbelief. It was over. Our collective afterglow was dim. That was it? That was all? So now what?

Jane has some uncomfortably realistic conversations with Michael and works through her feelings, as we work through our own melancholy. She comes to the realization she wore her virginity as a title and she now feels a loss of identity. Who is she, if not a virgin? Her mother advises her to let it go and embrace a new way of life. Not exactly subtly telling us to do the same, but I’ll allow it.

Michael and Jane stop overthinking it and have happy and mutually fulfilling sex. Hopefully, that bodes well for us.

Sextual Commentary

  • So many Os - Jane may have been a virgin, she was not a saint.
  • Michael the Angel – Oh, how he tries. For days. How can we not be Team Michael?

  • Michael the Man – Falls asleep right after sex. Yup.
  • What’s Missing – The first person Jane tells about her first time is her advisor. Who points out the obvious irony of a virgin romance writer.
  • Spicing it up – Sexting, innuendoes, oral sex (for days), and bananas. Nicely Cheeky and humorous.
  • The Tape – The true test of Rafael’s feelings will be his reaction after he sees it.

Oh Yeah. And These People.

  • My new favorite character. Let’s hope she continues her sass as Jane writes her novel
  • No Aneska! Thank goodness.
  • No Petra. However, I’m glad they had the good sense not to shoehorn her in.
  • Some Luisa. Not too shoehorned in and was actually a little entertaining.
  • I’m worried about her identity, too.
  • Dina and Lina. Welcome back. You both were missed.
  • Gloria Estefan. Wow. Just wow.
  • The CW. Nice bit of self-referential (and self-deprecating) humor. The Armpit of American Television.

Jane the Virgin S3E3
  • 9/10
    Plot - 9/10
  • 9/10
    Dialogue - 9/10
  • 9/10
    Performances - 9/10


I thoroughly enjoyed this episode and admire the writers for once again subverting expectations. Gina Rodrigues got to pull her all the stops with the sassy, the sexy and the hilarious. I’m optimistic.

User Review
5 (1 vote)
About Mallika Chakravarti (99 Articles)
Mallika is a digital marketer, yoga teacher and nutritionist. She spends her fun time writing, podcasting, consuming vast amounts of media and wishing she could fly. Mallika can currently be found thinking of something else.
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