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DC’s Legends of Tomorrow - S3E1 - Aruba-Con

Previously on Legends of Tomorrow, “Aruba”

When Are We?

2017 Los Angeles, right after we last saw the Legends wondering why there were dinosaurs in L.A. Their triassic problem is tied up neatly and quickly when Rip arrives from five years into the future. In the fifteen minutes since he last saw the Legends, he’s established the Time Bureau to track Anachronisms — beings and objects outside of their natural time. As such, the Legends are no longer needed and they’re not wanted seeing as how they’re the cause of all the time disruptions the Bureau has had to clean up for the last five years.

Six months later, the Legends are trying to acclimate to civilian life: Sara is in retail hell, Ray is in startup hell, Nate is in dating hell, and Rory’s in paradise. Rory’s Arubacation is interrupted by Julius Caesar. He reports the Anachronism to Sara, who sees it as the perfect opportunity to get in the good graces of the Time Bureau and get their gig back.

Images: The CW

The Mission

While Rory babysits Caesar, Sara, Ray, and Nate head to the Time Bureau to offer their services to retrieve him. They’re shown no respect by the Bureau, and that surprisingly includes Rip, and they learn the Waverider currently serves as a training facility for incoming agents. When Caesar gets the slip from Rory, Rip doesn’t believe he ever actually had an Anachronism and has them kicked out. The Legends steal the Waverider, awakens Gideon, and pick up Jax and Stein to track Caesar on their own and prove Rip wrong.

Caesar is returned to his proper place in history, but with full knowledge of the future and uses that to take over the world so there’s no present-day United States for the Legends. The Legends have to correct their wrong and rescue Time Bureau agents kidnapped by Caesar.

Mission Report

Just a few minutes into the episode, I was reminded that it’s a fun watch. Amaya’s absence was notable (she returned to 1942 Zambesi some time after Rip fired the Legends six months prior); especially because the only other woman with a significant presence was a Time Bureau agent who clashed with Sara. Word is an upcoming storyline features Amaya, so we’re done with her completely. It will be great to have her back even though the post-episode teaser showed her kicking all kinds of ass back home.

[bctt tweet=”Sometimes we screw things up for the better. - #LegendsOfTomorrow” username=”ProjectFandom”]

Seeing Stein agree to return to the team — despite the fact that he’s about to be a grandfather — because Jax needs it. It’s a nice nod to the fact that Jax was originally kidnapped by Stein, who needed to join the Legends for his own personal reasons.

If you think back, Rip has always had a somewhat complicated relationship with the Legends. He spent a portion of the first season keeping secrets from the team, and last season he was straight up brainwashed into working against them. Yes, the team has improved since they were first formed, but shortly after Rip said goodbye and complimented them on their growth, they screwed up the timeline. If Rip has spent the five years fixing their mistake, it makes sense that he might not be willing to hand them the key to do it again. Of course, Rip letting the Legends continue to time travel held an ulterior motive he’s keeping from the team: There’s a threat named Mallus (a threat the Legends are responsible for putting into motion) coming and Rip believes they’ll need the Legends’ help.

I know dating someone who resembles your ex happens, but something about Nate (a White man) dating a girl (a Black girl) who looks like his ex (a Black girl) is a little gross.

Time to Laugh

Rory, stabbing into a bowl of lettuce, to Caesar: “Your salad sucks.”

Legends of Tomorrow S3E1 Review Score
  • 7.5/10
    Plot - 7.5/10
  • 8/10
    Dialogue - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Performances - 8/10


DC’s Legends of Tomorrow - S3E1 - “Aruba-Con” | Starring: Victor Garber, Caity Lotz, Arthur Darvill, Franz Drameh, Brandon Routh, Dominic Purcell, Amy Pemberton, Nick Zano, Maisie Richardson-Sellers

User Review
4.75 (4 votes)
About Nina Perez (1391 Articles)
Nina Perez is the founder of Project Fandom. She is also the author of a YA series of books, "The Twin Prophecies," and a collection of essays titled, "Blog It Out, B*tch." Her latest books, a contemporary romance 6-book series titled Sharing Space, are now available on for Kindle download. She has a degree in journalism, works in social media, lives in Portland, Oregon, and loves Idris Elba. When not watching massive amounts of British television or writing, she is sketching plans to build her very own TARDIS. She watches more television than anyone you know and she's totally fine with that.

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