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Lucifer - S3E4 - What Would Lucifer Do?

Previously on Lucifer, “Mr. and Mrs. Mazikeen Smith”


Just Who Do You Think I Am

The theme of this week is identity crisis. Lucifer is trying to get back to himself, Chloe is struggling to prove herself, and Amenadiel wants to find his purpose. Lucifer tries to achieve his goal by being evil. He’s sleeping with everything in sight, granting favors, and being a devilish scamp. This is in direct opposition to what Chloe is trying to do. She knows that she’s a good detective and has a high close rate, but Lieutenant Pierce seems unimpressed and turns down her request to join the ethics board. Ella is convinced he has the hots for her (don’t worry, Ella, it’s coming) and she tells Chloe to look out for Pierce’s actions and not his words.

Amenadiel is convinced that Lucifer is his test from God so he wants to understand Lucifer to discern what his test is. For some reason, that translates into trying to be Lucifer to which I might have audibly said, “Oh no, baby. What is you doin’?”


Just What Do You Think I Got To Lose

The case of the week is a death at a reform camp for wayward teens. In his quest to prove that evil is evil and can’t change *cough*projectingmuch?*cough* Lucifer derails the investigation by teaching the kids how to sell drugs and give in to their baser instincts. This frustrates Chloe who thinks the Pierce doesn’t like her because of Lucifer. Ironically, Pierce always seems to be praising Lucifer’s unconventional methods while putting down Chloe.

Ella was right about paying attention to Pierce’s actions though. When Chloe finally blows up at Pierce during a ride-along he confesses that she’s one of his best detectives and he turned down her request because he wants her on the streets and not in meetings. Their bond is further cemented when the criminal Chloe is chasing shoots at her and Pierce takes the bullet instead. Chloe is clearly one of Pierce’s favorites, but Dan might want to watch out because Pierce was happy to recommend him for the ethics board position. By the way, I hope Chloe clues Dan in about how Pierce feels about him. It was cute for a joke but Dan is a good cop, too.

Lucifer and Amenadiel come head to head when Lucifer nearly kills the man who almost shot Chloe, and Amenadiel stops him. Amenadiel rightfully points out that Lucifer has changed. Lucifer was never evil and now that he cares about Chloe, he’s even more dedicated to punishing the wicked. But Lucifer hates the thought of being manipulated by his father and he lashes out by calling Amenadiel pitiful for trying to find meaning in God’s “plans”. It’s a wonderfully raw scene and some great acting from Tom Ellis and D.B. Woodside. Also, I don’t think either of them is wrong. Lucifer isn’t evil and Amenadiel’s need to find meaning in everything is somewhat pitiful. If they can learn to work together rather than fighting each other, that would give them both some purpose.

The Devil Is Laughing (Funniest Lines)

“Looks like someone could use a single-malt cappuccino! … Single-malt latte?” – Lucifer handing Chloe a coffee pick-me-up

(Yawns) Sorry, it’s exhausting being right all the time” – Lucifer gloating after he thinks he’s solved the case.

What really stood out this week were the performances. The comedic beats of Pierce negging Chloe and Amenadiel trying to be like Lucifer juxtaposed with the intense emotional scenes brought some gravitas to the episode. Tom especially manages to walk that line deftly. One minute Lucifer is all jokes and the next he’s on the verge of tears and self-loathing. While there was no mention of the Sinnerman this week, Lucifer is always progressing whether emotionally or pushing the plot forward. It will be interesting to see where Lucifer ends up this season.

Lucifer S3E4 Review Score
  • 7/10
    Case of the Week - 7/10
  • 9/10
    Dialogue - 9/10
  • 10/10
    Performances - 10/10

"What Would Lucifer Do?"

Lucifer – S3E4 – “What Would Lucifer Do?” | Starring: Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Kevin Alejandro, Rachael Harris, Aimee Garcia, Lesley Ann Brandt, Tom Welling

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5 (1 vote)
About Shanna B (211 Articles)
Shanna is a long-standing geek who was a shipper before shipping was a thing. She is a contributor and podcaster for Movie Trailer Reviews. Based in the Bay Area, she frequents comic book shops, donut shops, and parks in no particular order.
Contact: Facebook

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