Matthew’s ProFan Review: It Came!
It Came! No, not that. What I’m talking about today, ProFans, is the graphic novel by Dan Boultwood. It Came! hit shelves on March 11, 2014, and it’s a throwback to the old Science-Fiction Horror B-Movie days. Think War of the Worlds in the 1950s. This piece of literature is full of bad puns, thrills, wits, and just some of the cheesiest and campy stuff I’ve read in a while.
Interestingly enough, this book reads more like those old drive-in movies I have no business knowing about. The first few pages are all old-styled cigarette ads and trailers. Another interesting note is that they introduce the characters as being portrayed by actors.
I didn’t find much I didn’t like about this book. I like bad puns and cheesy one-liners a lot. If anything, being that I haven’t read or watched a whole bunch of the source material that this is based on, I may not have thoroughly enjoyed this as much as say my colleague Ben Adams would have. Still, this book doesn’t disappoint and is, by far, one of the better comics I’ve read and reviewed for Project Fandom.