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PF’s Book Club Podcast: Nailbiter, Vol. 1 by Joshua Williamson

In February, we read Nailbiter, Vol. 1: There Will Be Blood by Joshua Williamson. Buckaroo, Oregon’s unfortunate claim to fame is being the birthplace of 16 known serial killers. How is that possible? That’s what police officer Eliot Carroll hopes to find out as he heads to Buckaroo after the town’s latest homicidal offspring, Edward Charles Warren, is acquitted of murder.

When Carroll believes he has cracked the case, he calls his good friend, Army Intelligence Officer, Nicholas Finch, and asks him to come to Buckaroo. Upon arrival, Finch learns Carroll is missing and if wants to learn what happened to his friend, he’ll need to retrace Carroll’s step and solve the mystery of Buckaroo. This proves difficult as bodies begin to pile up. Is there a 17th Buckaroo serial killer on the loose? Seems so.

We each thoroughly enjoyed this volume, comprised of the first five issues of the series. Overall, the story had a cinematic feel to it, often times equal parts gory and creepy. The writing is sharp, with clever set-ups that all paid off.

Have a listen as ProFans Nina, Patti, and John discuss Nailbiter.




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3 Comments on PF’s Book Club Podcast: Nailbiter, Vol. 1 by Joshua Williamson

  1. Great book …I suggest reading “Severed” by Scott Snyder

  2. This sounded so great on the podcast! Glad you guys enjoyed it so much.

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE Joshua Williamson’s work. What’s the book for next month?

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