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New Transformers: Age of Extinction Set Photos?

For the past few weeks, Transformers: Age of Extinction has been filming in and around Chicago, Illinois; now we’ve received some photos of a building that is rumored to be a part of the film.

The film is the fourth installment in the blockbuster Transformers series, and its production has been predictably huge, with filming taking place in Monument Valley, Utah; Detroit, Michigan; and now Chicago, Illinois, among other locations. Many of the locations used in Chicago have been redressed to have them appear as though they are located in China.

We have been sent the following photos of a building set for demolition, from a local resident in the Chicago area:

photo credit: Rafael Herrera/John Cyscon III
photo credit: Rafael Herrera/John Cyscon III
photo credit: Rafael Herrera/John Cyscon III

 Here is a statement from our source:

Straight rumor about what the building will be, but fact that it is part of the movie. The Asian letters tagged all over the sides were done by the crew, and filming is today and tomorrow for Transformers 4. Rumor has it that this will be the Decepticons’ headquarters, and also the rumor is that it will be blown up this weekend.

While these are all unverified rumors, they certainly make a lot of sense; considering the fact that the Chicago area has been used to represent China, and the fact that Michael Bay and his film crew have already blown up several buildings in the filming of Transformers: Age of Extinction.

Not much is known about the film’s plot, other than the fact that it takes place in several different cities (duh). What is known is Mark Wahlberg has taken over leading man duties from Shia LaBeouf, and Michael Bay has returned for, presumably, his final turn at directing a Transformers film. The film is currently scheduled for a July 27, 2014 release.

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  1. Exclusive Video: Controlled Explosion on the Transformers: Age of Extinction Set | Project Fandom

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