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Nina’s ProFan Review: The Veronica Mars Movie

I meant to write about this before now, but life got in the way. Between work, writing, running the site, and recording several podcasts a week, these past three weeks since the Veronica Mars movie debuted have flown by. Just because I hadn’t found the time to sit down and organize my thoughts on the film, it doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been on my mind.

The Veronica Mars movie plays like a love letter to the fans. It hit all the notes that seduced Marshmallows when the show was on the air: snappy dialogue, the effortless banter between Veronica and her father Keith, the socioeconomic politics of Neptune, California, and the epic romance between Veronica and Logan.

Ten years after high school graduation, Veronica is being wooed by a prestigious New York City law firm. She takes a break from their vetting process to go home to Neptune. Logan is in trouble… again. He’s the prime suspect in the death of his famous girlfriend, a girl they also went to high school with. Veronica and Piz are back together, and he’s still the most understanding boyfriend ever. He doesn’t mind that she’s going to fly to the rescue of an old flame; as long as she’s back in New York in time to finally meet his parents.

Veronica’s visit also happens to coincide with her 10-year high school reunion, which she had no intention of attending. Of course, she’s somewhat tricked into going and while some of her ex-classmates have completely changed (Weevil), some have remained, unfortunately (somewhat comically) the same - see: Dick.

I’m not going to spoil the plot, but in the process of trying to save Logan, Veronica makes some serious life decisions. Can she move on from the town and Logan? Is she the same girl she was ten years ago? And who, exactly, is that girl? Is she a danger junkie, chronically attracted to mysteries, righting wrongs, and the bad boy?

Many things work in this movie: Veronica’s relationship with her father remains one of the most refreshing fictional father/daughter relationships ever portrayed onscreen. She may be an adult, but Keith is worried that she’s risking a future bigger than anything Neptune could offer all to help someone who isn’t worth his daughter’s time or affection. It was nice to see Wallace - looking mighty fine- all grown up. And the smoldering chemistry between Veronica and Logan is hot as ever.

I wasn’t necessarily feeling the subplot of police corruption (it IS Neptune, after all) and Weevil’s run-in with a town socialite. And I wasn’t happy where Weevil’s character was left, but with the book that picks up right where the movie left off now available, I’m anxious to dive right in and see if those things are included and fleshed out more. Or maybe they’ll address it in the sequel.

Fingers crossed, Marshmallows!

About Nina Perez (1391 Articles)
Nina Perez is the founder of Project Fandom. She is also the author of a YA series of books, "The Twin Prophecies," and a collection of essays titled, "Blog It Out, B*tch." Her latest books, a contemporary romance 6-book series titled Sharing Space, are now available on for Kindle download. She has a degree in journalism, works in social media, lives in Portland, Oregon, and loves Idris Elba. When not watching massive amounts of British television or writing, she is sketching plans to build her very own TARDIS. She watches more television than anyone you know and she's totally fine with that.

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  1. BluTuesday - May 6, 2014 | Project Fandom

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