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One-Punch Man - S1E5 - The Ultimate Master

Previously on One-Punch Man, “The Modern Ninja”

We descend deeper into the One-Punch Man world with the introduction of the Hero Association and its community. Saitama and Genos get their life changing grades and Genos resolves to test himself after ending up in the spotlight.

Head Of The Class

At the headquarters of the Hero Association, they’re gearing up for a record turnout for the hero exams. After voting to grant Mumen Rider’s request to not be promoted, they focus on worrying if Genos is going to show up like their intel says. Meanwhile, it’s a packed house at Saitama’s testing location. The other applicants have a good laugh at this little guy in Speedos until the tests begin. Saitama proceeds to slaughter each tests including weightlifting, 1,500 meter run, and the dreaded Whac-A-Mole.

Afterwards, in the locker room, Genos and Saitama agree the written and physical tests were far too easy before getting their results. Genos scored a perfect 100, earning him the rare starting certification of class S. The Cyborg had been certified on the spot after confirming he blew up The House of Evolution during an interview that Saitama didn’t have. One-Punch, on the other hand, scored a 71, just one point above failing, earning him the lowly rank of class C.  Saitama tries to remember that just passing was the point, but it still bothers him. As they head to a seminar for new heroes, a handsome, blue-haired man gets the heads-up about Genos’s certification from the Hero Association as a courtesy. He approves as he looks over Genos’s confidential file.

Rookie Crushing

At the seminar, only One-Punch Man and Saitama are there to hear class A rank 38 Snek, who immediately has it out for Saitama. His obvious boredom, lack of respect for his status and skills, along with his low score get under Snek’s skin. Even when he threatens demotion, Saitama is busy thinking about dinner. On the walk home, Genos reads through the pamphlet to realize the Hero Association was only formed three years ago. A millionaire’s grandson was attacked by a monster and saved by a stranger passing by. Agoni, the millionaire who sports a butt-chin like the kid Saitama saved, then established the association but Saitama still doesn’t make a connection. Just when Saitama is starting to feel okay about the money and respect he’s about to earn, Genos reminds him that he’s officially his disciple now. Back at the office, Snek is still stewing about Saitama and Genos when an official sets him straight. Genos had scored perfectly, and Saitama was only hurt by the written exam. Physically, he beat the tests with the power of a god. Snek can’t bear a class C hero outranking him, so he decides to do some “rookie crushing.” His ambush only last a punch before Saitama puts him down. 

Message Received

The next day, Genos asks Saitama to meet him in a canyon, outside of the city, where he does some more reading up on the association. They’re both ranked at the bottom of their classes, but as they complete missions, they will rise in rank and be given hero names. Heroes can also gain rank in popularity, which makes Saitama’s ears perk up, but Genos closes his phone thinking he didn’t care. He’s ready to get to the point:  Genos wants an all-out sparring session with Saitama. Genos powers up the new boosters behind his shoulders to begin a eye candy filled fight.

In all its style, and shout-outs to Dragonball Z, it’s clear that Genos can’t manage to lay a finger on Saitama. His first barrage of kicks and blasts are dodged effortlessly, prompting him to power up to a new level for more speed. Genos tears up the canyon going after One-Punch Man, not realizing that he was chasing an after-image for some time. Genos spots Saitama running and cuts him off so he can bring out the big guns.

The cyborg swears he finally hit Saitama, earning his respect, but a shoulder tap leads to a finger on the face. Saitama was already behind him. Saitama thinks it’s over, but that’s not good enough for Genos. He wants insight into Saitama’s power since Saitama doesn’t even seem to understand it, and that means fighting until he can’t anymore, no mercy. Before he can bark out the word “again,” Saitama is already in his face. A last second kick misses from Genos, OPM has already appeared behind him. Genos turns around in time to see the pulled punch that causes destructive winds to blast past him. Saitama switches back to his goofy self and marches towards dinner while Genos marvels at what the wind from one of Saitama’s punch did to the canyon. He knows he could never be on One-Punch Man’s level. That wind alone was more powerful than his blasts.

One-Punch Man S1E5 - Genos And Saitama Pulled Punch Damage

Pretty Boy Blue

Over Udon dinner, Saitama gets the bright idea to take the “Super-Spicy Mega-Monster Udon Challenge” to help with his low funds. He ends up having to tap out, but Genos finishes unphased for the win. The people don’t have time to finish marveling when they are mystified by the blue-haired stranger strolling in. He is the class A rank 1 hero, Amai Mask, and he wants to talk to Genos outside. Saitama warns of rookie crushing, causing Genos to accept, but be stiff and cold with Amai. In short time Genos is back inside and Saitama is surprised that, rather than fight, Amai Mask had come to welcome Genos. The ladies who were swooning over Amai Mask now turn their attention to his new friend, Genos, which Saitama isn’t too thrilled about. Later, Genos comes back to Saitama’s apartment ready to live with him, which Saitama only allows (in the post credits scene) when Genos drops some rent money on the table. Meanwhile, Amai Mask is lost in thought about Genos on his balcony.

One-Punch Man S1E5
  • 9/10
    Plot - 9/10
  • 8/10
    Dialogue - 8/10
  • 10/10
    Action - 10/10


Poor Saitama’s ego has been taking a beating the last few episodes. From going unrecognized, to his low rank despite everyone knowing his strength, something has to break in the guy’s favor whose strong enough to beat anyone with one punch, right? Genos being so revered is funny, but it makes sense. He may not be as strong as Saitama, yet he is stronger than most to go along with his book smarts. No movement on the Sonic or cyborg association fronts, but this show has a pattern of letting teases lay low for an episode or two. With the introduction of the hero community, it could be longer. Pretty boy Amai Mask should be figuring into whatever happens next.

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About Stephen Smith (72 Articles)
Stephen Smith is an old military brat who claims Houston, TX as his hometown. Growing up on a steady diet of anime, comic books, and video games, he has always kept his nerd light shining bright. Now, as a married father of 4, he passes on the tradition to his kids, while trying to not be too much of an adult in his bid for world domination.
Contact: Facebook

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