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Podcast Fandom Episode 35: American Horror Story: Coven - S3E9 - Head

In this episode of Podcast Fandom: Nina, Meghan, Ellen, and John podcap American Horror Story: Coven‘s midseason finale “Head“. Along with the usual scene-by-scene analysis of this episode, the crew also manages to bemoan the invention of the “midseason finale” and discuss Golden Globe snubs, with references to Felicity, Austin Powers, The Wicker Man, Harry Potter, and more. Sit back and enjoy nearly two hours of fun and entertainment.

Show notes

  • If you’re a fan of our humble, little Podcast Fandom, which we know you are, then you can show your love by heading over to The Stitcher Awards and kindly take just a moment to nominate us for “Best New Show” and “Best Entertainment + Pop Culture”. If you’re so inclined, feel free to go ahead and nominate us in other categories you feel we fit, but those two are all we’re asking for.
  • Now that American Horror Story: Coven is on hiatus until January 8th, if you’ve been enjoying ProFan Maya’s recaps she does for the site, you can continue your support of her by checking out her book Lust (The Immortal Shadows Trilogy).

***Mildly spoilery prediction below***

We didn’t have time to include John’s prediction mentioned in the podcast, so we’re putting it here for anyone who wants to read it. It’s not based on any kind of knowledge of actual storylines or information; it’s based on little hints dropped by series co-creator Ryan Murphy in this interview with Entertainment Weekly. It could be right or wrong, so read it at your own discretion.

  • Based on what Murphy says in that interview and the events of “Head”, John’s thinking we may be seeing Delphine’s head end up on Queenie’s body, at some point in the final four episodes of the season. We think that would be pretty freaking awesome.
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Project Fandom offers up the latest in TV, movies, books, comics, anime, manga, and more for the geek in all of us.

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