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Podcast Fandom Episode 57: Scandal S3E11

It’s been two months without Scandal - even though it felt like much longer - but it’s finally back and we had a ball podcapping this week’s episode, ‘Ride, Sally, Ride.’

In this episode: 
  • Nina gives a verbal interpretation of what was going on in Olivia’s mind when Fitz dismissed her.
  • We discuss Harrison’s chest.
  • We wonder if Fitz’s and Olivia’s relationship could be described as abusive
  • We lie back in the massive amount of shade produced by Mellie
  • We count down the days until Quinn’s demise
  • And we wonder if James realizes that he’s about to get a toe tag
Show Notes:
  • Points have been awarded in this week’s Scandal’s Ultimate Gladiator. Check your standing and get your predictions in for next week’s episode.
  • Our new podcast ‘Project Fandom’s Throwback Thursday Podcast’ begins next week, March 6th. We’ll be releasing an episode every Thursday covering a popular show no longer on the air. We’re beginning with Heroes, which one the poll on Facebook, and we’ll also offer 30-minute reviews of Veronica Mars for all of our Marshmallow followers.
  • You can purchase Nina’s book, Sharing Space, on Amazon here. 



About Project Fandom (1122 Articles)
Project Fandom offers up the latest in TV, movies, books, comics, anime, manga, and more for the geek in all of us.

1 Comment on Podcast Fandom Episode 57: Scandal S3E11

  1. MUST.MUST.MUST correct myself….they meet at the Iwo Jima Memorial. Not at the Tomb of the unknown soldier. Many apologies.

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