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Podcast Fandom Episode 64: Scandal S3E13 ‘No Sun on the Horizon’

This one is a little late, folks. We try to have the Scandal podcast out early on Saturdays, but we had some technical difficulties with the show we first recorded on Friday night and had to record it again on Saturday evening. The points for Scandal’s Ultimate Gladiator will be awarded by tomorrow evening.

In this episode:

  • Nina remembers how it feels to suffer from that “I get out of breath just by talking” thing because you’re pregnant.
  • Jake steps into his new role as Command and does what it takes to protect the Republic.
  • Where the hell is Harrison?
  • Sally’s exorcism doesn’t quite take.

Also, is Nina the only one who noticed the very odd thing Jake did with his gun(s) at the end?

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Project Fandom offers up the latest in TV, movies, books, comics, anime, manga, and more for the geek in all of us.

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