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Podcast Fandom Episode 72: Scandal S3E15 ‘Mama Said Knock You Out’

We don’t know if this is our funniest Scandal podcast, but we definitely laughed more than we ever have in previous shows.

In this episode:

  • #DemKids
  • Someone needs to tell Olivia that a kettle living in a glass house should mind her damn business!
  • Mama Pope tells Olivia, “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.”
  • Mellie likes it both ways and we’re not entirely sure what that means, but we need an adult.
  • Why is Ella ready for kindergarten, yet Teddy is puling a Benjamin Button?
  • Everyone wants Quinn to keep her tongue in her mouth.
  • Rowan really does work at the Smithsonian. Huh.

And lots, lots more. Have a listen. Scandal Ultimate Gladiator points will be distributed by the end of the weekend.

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