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Podcast Fandom Episode 98: True Blood - S7E1 - Jesus Gonna Be Here

in Podcast Fandom’s first episode covering True Blood, Nina and Meghan are joined by Rosie (Project Fandom contributor) and Bobby Finstock (The Voice of Reason) to discuss the events of ‘Jesus Gonna Be Here.’ In this episode:

  • The hosts are split on whether or not Jessica’s embrace with Adilyn was sexual, but they all agree the Hep-V vamp face off was poorly executed.
  • Vince, the would-be-mayor, has to die.
  • A collie, Sam? Really?
  • The whole town thinks Sookie’s a whore and everything is her fault.
  • Does two gods really equal a circle jerk, or is that just mutual masturbation?
  • Tara can’t really be dead, can she?

Join us every Sunday night on Twitter as we live-tweet True Blood. Use #PFTB to join the discussion and a chance at Tweet o’ The Week. At the end of the season, one Twitter winner will get a True Blood tee from our Zazzle store. This week’s winner is: @DevinLamarr!

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