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Queen Sugar - S1E10 - So Far

Previously on Queen Sugar, “Next to Nothing”

Queen Sugar - S1E10 - “So Far” | Starring: Rutina WesleyDawn-Lyen GardnerKofi Siriboe, Tina Lifford, Omar J. Dorsey, Dondre Whitfield, Timon Kyle DurrettNicholas L. AsheGreg Vaughan, Ethan Hutchison, Marycarmen Lopez, Bianca Lawson

The day after more than 50 million people in this country elected the Cheeto in Chief, this episode of Queen Sugar was painfully timely. The Borderlon siblings learn the painful origins of their farm, how much their father had to endure to keep it, and just how far Landry is willing to go to take it.

Thanks to the hurricane, Charley tries to negotiate a deal with a new mill that will get their sugar cane production back on schedule. Unfortunately, the Boudreaux mill offers up an unreasonable split of the profits so Charley passes. The counter offer to buy the farm for $4 million is enough for her to call a family meeting and directly ask Prosper and Aunt Vi why their farm, smack dab in the middle of other farms owned by the Boudreauxs, is so important.

Images: OWN

They reveal that the Boudreauxs owned the Borderlons during slavery. When Violet and Earnest’s grandfather was free, he was able to purchase a portion of the farm from the Boudreauxs when they fell on hard times. However, once they recovered, they tried to take the land back, claiming it was stolen, and lynching him and others on the farm. Eventually, proof of sale was provided, but the Boudreaux-Landry family has been making things nearly impossible for the Borderlon farm ever since.

Of course, this news adds an extra layer of heartache when the siblings realize just how much pressure their father was under. It wasn’t just a business to him, or a way a life. His family had literally died for that farm, on that farm. This also instills a new sense of purpose in Charley, Nova, and Ralph Angel as they vow, more than ever, to keep the farm and make it a success.

While this was definitely the biggest emotional punch in “So Far,” but it wasn’t the only one. Nova’s new relationship with Chantal seems to be over after she inserts herself a little too much in Nova’s upcoming television interview. Nova’s hesitant to allow Chantal to hijack her message, while Chantal believes the movement is bigger than any one person and that Nova should take advantage of the platform to keep people motivated. This parting of the ways isn’t surprising. Nova has been shown to have commitment issues, and the mention of Calvin suggests there may be unfinished business there as well; no matter how many phone calls she ignores, she still keeps framed photos of him in her bedside table.

Aunt Vi goes back to work at the diner, but this time as the manager, salaried position. It was great to see because it was clear she loved her job, and was damn good at it; it’s even better that the owner finally realized her worth so she gets to do what she loves and be properly compensated. This is especially gratifying as it comes after a conversation about Micah’s education makes Vi feel Charley looks down on her station in life. Also, Violet hasn’t fully forgiven Hollywood, but she at least offered him a cup of coffee, and we all know how she is with beverages when you’re on her shit list. Just ask Davis.

However, Violet was responsible for a decision that ties to one my biggest issues with the show: Ralph Angel. He’s been slowly allowing Darla back into Blue’s life, and this now includes her taking him to school a few days a week, days that Aunt Vi usually does. When the school rejects his signature on Blue’s field trip permission slip, it makes him feel less than a father in spite of all the progress he’s made. That’s understandable.

What doesn’t make sense is Aunt Violet signing over guardianship to Ralph Angel. He makes the case that he’s paid enough. He did his time, and that’s true. And he seems to be on the right path, and that’s true as well. But since we’ve known him he’s left Blue in the park alone (with some damn churros) so he could rob a store, he pulled a gun on two repo men, and stolen from his employer then hid the goods on the farm. Aunt Vi knows about two of those things, and they were both fairly recent. She has a legit concern with Darla (and the audience has yet to get a look into how Darla’s dealing with her addiction so we don’t know if the concern is unwarranted), and how a wrong move on her or Ra’s part would mean Blue goes into the foster system. Ralph Angel has shown her he’ll still make poor decisions. I don’t buy that she would sign Blue over so soon. He’s only been out of jail six months before he’s robbing a store, and that was only a couple of months ago.

All of the characters are flawed, but Queen Sugar made a bold decision in introducing us to Ralph Angel as he’s about to do something so foolish. It’s hard to root for him as character, and I find any support I might feel is more for the farm succeeding than it is to see Ralph Angel succeed - particularly because he’s shown no real growth. Hopefully, this is something that’s addressed in these final three episodes of the season.

Queen Sugar S1E10 = 8.2/10
  • 8/10
    Plot - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Dialogue - 8/10
  • 8.5/10
    Performances - 8.5/10
User Review
5 (1 vote)
About Nina Perez (1391 Articles)
Nina Perez is the founder of Project Fandom. She is also the author of a YA series of books, "The Twin Prophecies," and a collection of essays titled, "Blog It Out, B*tch." Her latest books, a contemporary romance 6-book series titled Sharing Space, are now available on for Kindle download. She has a degree in journalism, works in social media, lives in Portland, Oregon, and loves Idris Elba. When not watching massive amounts of British television or writing, she is sketching plans to build her very own TARDIS. She watches more television than anyone you know and she's totally fine with that.

8 Comments on Queen Sugar - S1E10 - So Far

  1. For the podcast

    Another excellent episode and very deep family secrets revealed. I can’t even imagine meeting the descendants of the people who enslaved your ancestors. It’s one thing in the abstract but to actually know it is brutal cause you know Landry & them are thinking we used to own them and we will again or some shit like that. Damn. Why didn’t anyone tell them sooner? Had Ernest told them, they wouldn’t have turned their backs on the farm like they did. At least now they are more united over the farm and will fight for it. Plus this makes me think that Landry has had a hand in all their problems on the farm. Since those migrants workers had to cross thru the neighboring farms, who’s to say Landry & his family didn’t pay someone to kill those guys & take the fall? You know he probably paid them to not come back to work for the Bordelons.

    Since that got very long, I’m gonna end it there. I’m sure everyone else will bring up all the other stuff. Can’t wait to hear the podcast!

  2. For The Podcast:

    Nina don’t want us to talk comics… So I’ma talk comics (in my DJ Khaled vc). Flash Fact: He’s the fastest man alive.

    Hey Nina. Since Dev is on this show. Does this mean you finally responded to his text messages? M, only thing that would make this show better is if it was wrapped in bacon. But on the real, Idk anything about this show or who’s in it. Dev said it’s an all black show. So there may not be enough 🐇🐇to keep him interested. I’m just saying… but anyways Miss y’all. Haven’t written in to Project Fandom in a while. I was saving all my good jokes for Game of Thrones 2017.

    Team Valor Project Fandom Takeover

    Where u @ Donny? New Nintendo coming soon

  3. I’m behind on tv this week but I just wanted to say, “Hey, boo.” 🐇🛥


    I needed this show. I needed blackness to wrap its arms around me and make me whole. Also, fuck y’all whypeepol! Ole dude ain’t my president. He will be disrespected like y’all disrespected our black president. My president is black and always will be. (Let me know if I need to shorten my feedback!)

    RA ain’t shit. Dude you are Noir by nature aren’t you? You can’t pick up a phone man up (I said what I said) and say that you want Darla to take y’all angel to school? By lying to her, I think you are ruining your relationship with Vi. Just fucking talk already and stop sulking. “I need to sign the permission slip!” I cackled because I ain’t shit. It’s true, but still, I ain’t shit.

    I am so happy that Vi got that manager job. About time she got something more from that diner. Since she is the manager and gave Blue to Onyx and Pearl she can get her groove back. Once colossus signs the divorce paper’s and put his dick on the table one last time I wonder if that will make Vi loosen up. But hellion would still have to work to get her back and he better not ask her to marry him once the paper is signed because his milk dud head ass is still on my shit list.

    Whoa this relationship between Micah and Keke is moving along quickly I see and she is the alpha chick in charge? I still don’t approve. Why don’t I approve? Because I don’t want to see top fade hurt like he was when he saw teen peen on brittle becky’s phone. Keke scares me because she is going to get goldenrod fucked up by wanting to get him to stand on his own two feet. His momma might snatch his ass up. And I gagged when Micah kissed Keke because fuck teen romance. Especially one that includes rainbow bright.

    I knew freshly squeezed undocumented dead nigga juice would ruin those crops. We gotta throw out the whole crop now or at least sprinkle some bleach to cleanse the shit. Landry has to die right? Can we kill him? He has too much power and I hope Charley wipes the floor with his non melanin wanna be a slave owner ass. Fuck his brother too that imp. I knew that family owned slaves, I knew it. So fuck YT. I hope their see thru asses lose the whole rest of the acres they got. These crystal pepsi ass 2520s owned their family! I want reparations my nigga. I would sneak into the night and ruin their fucking crops. Fuck them!

    Finally, I see they didn’t have brown butter Remy this episode. I see you! They could have flashed his face. Just for two seconds. He didn’t even need to have a speaking part. Just show him. Flash on, flash off like a subliminal message. Thanks for the free shit.

  5. Wow. Man how after this week Auntie Ava dare hit us with a blow like this! To have to work with the very people who killed and owned your kin! Just sickening. This reminded me of a podcast interview with this white woman from Louisiana. The interview was about how she lived through her husband attempting to kill her but it was revealed that she owned a bed and breakfast that used to be her family’s plantation. This bitch had the nerve to take pride in her keeping up the family farm after the war and that some of the staff were descendants of the slaves. 😡.
    Anyways, do y’all think Chantal had a point about nova being hypocritical in sleeping with Calvin? Also I didn’t agree when Hollywood said for them to just move on when vi was in the garden. It’s easier for him to move on bc he’s been knowing about the lie all this time. I didn’t appreciate him trying to rush her. I know Ernest wanted his kids to not be guilted into running the farm but I disagreed with him keeping such an important fact hidden from them. You don’t leave something like that up to chance that they’ll ask.
    P.S, Nina don’t ever change. I get my life every time you get up white folk’s asses on Facebook

  6. For the podcast
    Bordelon family revelation re history of land was powerful, touching & painful. What the family suffered to keep it-the fight is on! On a lighter note, was Bordeaux bro & Charley flirting w/each other?

    RA’s scene w/aunt vi re blue was beautiful & brought me 2 tears as well. For all RAs faults his love 4 his son is so strong. Aunt vi, though seemingly wary, knows it’s time 2 let Blue go & assured RA she’s there 4 him (cause we KNOW he’ll need her)😄

    Aunt Vi is moving on too- now mgr of diner-heck she may end up owning it some day(can we say byeRoberta). She’s even thawing 2wards Hollywood-ooh he would’ve had me back in that scene in the garden😍 I do wonder the consequences once he signs those divorce papers. Will Leanne Maxine shaw in a crazed state come 4 them?

    nova & chantal’s relationship ended 2 soon. i liked their chemistry & i thought she had a great point re nova being all over the .place.

    Kiki got Micah’s nose open as my great aunties would say-they’re cute couple though her forward nature would also have my great aunties calling her “fast tail”😀

    That’s all I have-sorry 4 length-I’m trying!

  7. Btw Salli Richardson Whitfield directed this episode-fantastic job! 👏🏾👏🏾 No Remy this week-coincidence or no? 😄



    I just wanted to take a moment here to appreciate Reagan Gomez’s cakes! Nova was actually pretty bearable this episode but she didn’t have much of anything of substance to do.


    Aunt Vi’s petty level was still dialed up to 11 for a while, plus she was being real selective about who SHE felt needed to be in their son’s life! Repentant Recovering Addict, Nope! Serial Cheater and Rapist Adjace, sure why not?! Mmmhmm ok girl.. I do love that she got a come up tho, maybe she’ll stop counting everyone Charley’s money since she’s making more of her own now. She is really the smartest character on the show and I’m glad that she has the wisdom to guide the Bordelon siblings on a good path. Hollywood still needs to properly apologize but I’m glad they might be getting back together.


    I’m starting to think Charley wasn’t all that good of a manager. She didn’t handle the issue with Micah’s school, she doesn’t listen to any of her folks about the farm business, and she out here telling racist white boys all her business before finding out what he wants out of the deal! When that girl gon learn?! I would also like the record to show that Remy ain’t call her and he ain’t showing up on the farm no more!!! I told y’all he was trifling, he probably out in the streets bragging to TMZ about her! Cause that’s how light skinned niggas do! Don’t they Leonard?! But forreal though Nina called it. The episode that Salli Richardson Whitfield directed and Dondre is left out. I bet he was behind her asking baby you sure I’m not needed in that scene with Dawn-Lynn?! She like Nope! Wait till Ava gets back honey!

    Ralph Angel

    Nigga I kind of feel for you but you did leave that baby in the park by himself with some churros so you could rob a store! Just in case Nina forgot to say it! Hopefully the boy is serious about getting his shit together for real! He couldn’t quite get that Denzel tear right tho!

    Glad the siblings came together at the end to fully take ownership of their legacy! That revelation was painful but necessary.

    That’s all for now. Love y’all take care!

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