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Queen Sugar - S1E7 - In No Uncertain Terms

Previously on Queen Sugar, “As Promised” 

Queen Sugar - S1E7 - “In No Uncertain Terms” | Starring: Rutina WesleyDawn-Lyen GardnerKofi Siriboe, Tina Lifford, Omar J. Dorsey, Dondre Whitfield, Timon Kyle DurrettNicholas L. AsheGreg Vaughan, Ethan Hutchison, Marycarmen Lopez, Bianca Lawson

Aunt Vi, Patron Saint of Patience, Soul Food, and Side-Eye, warned Charley that everything isn’t always as it seems. So, while it may appear to Charley that everyone is just taking (especially from her), it might be best if she takes a step back and put herself in others’ shoes for a moment. Of course, Charley doesn’t necessarily do that in “In No Uncertain Terms,” but she, like her siblings, is a work in progress.

Images: OWN

Images: OWN

Charley does take one bit of Vi’s advice to heart: She’s honest with Micah about the state of his parents’ marriage and his father’s transgressions. Micah doesn’t want to see his father again, but in a confusing turn, he also doesn’t want to be “stuck” in Louisiana for the foreseeable future. This is a complete change of heart from a few weeks ago, when he couldn’t wait to be out of Los Angeles. Still, Micah seems to settle into being with his extended family just fine - he plays with Micah, jokes with Hollywood, and hangs out with Nova and her new boo. That makes it particularly heartbreaking when he gets caught in the middle of Charley’s beef with Nova. When she learns of the $10K Nova “borrowed” to bail out Too Sweet, Charley lashes out by reading her sister and later demanding she bring Micah home, and then warns her sister to not take her son anywhere without checking with her first. Clearly, this is Charley’s way of wrestling back control of the one thing she can - her son - but anyone who’s ever raised a teenager knows that it almost always backfires.

One of the most compelling aspects of Queen Sugar is how it makes us care about this family, even when they’re wrong. Our first introduction to Ralph Angel was watching him leave Blue alone in a park with some damn churros (Yes, I’m still salty about that) while he robbed a grocery store. And even though he’s made small strides forward, he continues to stumble backwards, and yet we care. We root for him to get it together. This week, he tries. He really does. His home visit with his parole officer begins tense - Ralph Angel doesn’t tell the truth about how he got laid off and doesn’t admit knowing about the stolen goods - but he eventually gets the green light to work at the farm, provided he can get Charley to pay him, and move for sole custody of Blue if he can get Vi to sign him over. But now’s not really the time to be asking Charley for favors, and Vi isn’t convinced Ralph Angel can handle custody of his son while he’s still making fool decisions like stealing iPhones and stashing them at the farm.


There’s no word on how Too Sweet’s doing now that he’s free, and Nova has found her time occupied with her new flame and with work. In true Nova fashion, she gives a defiant apology when confronted with the stolen funds; she justifies her actions by throwing the $3 million Davis paid his accuser in Charley’s face. Oh, girl.

The sisters hadn’t made up after their row last week, and it doesn’t look like reconciliation is coming any time soon, though now is the perfect time for the family to pull together now that their rock, Aunt Vi, has been shaken.

Hollywood’s wife, Leanne, shows up at the family’s crawfish boil. She’s confused, angry, and looking for Hollywood. He should have taken Micah’s advice from earlier: After overhearing his uncle on the phone with Leanne, he checked Hollywood and told him to tell Vi about whatever’s going on. He’s not wrong, because it appears Vi might have been understanding of Hollywood remaining married to provide health insurance for his ill wife, but she can’t abide the lies.

And if it’s one thing Queen Sugar has shown us is that the lies will get you every.damn.time.

Seeds Planted this Week:

  • Remy did all but profess his love for Charley, and it’s absolutely clear he’s interested in her romantically. Hopefully, this goes on as a bit of a slow burn. I like the idea of Charley finding love again - and Remy seems solid - but it would be nice to see her get the farm and Micah in order before diving into another relationship.
  • Can Roberta go sit down somewhere? And why does Ralph Angel have such cold sex?
  • Calvin is leaving his wife? Nova demands he stop calling her and not make leaving his wife about her.

Leave your thoughts on the episode below or on the Facebook post for this review, and we’ll read them on this weekend’s podcast. Also, note that Queen Sugar isn’t on next week, but OWN will be airing a half-season marathon next Wednesday.

Queen Sugar S1E7 = 9.3/10
  • 9/10
    Plot - 9/10
  • 10/10
    Dialogue - 10/10
  • 9/10
    Performances - 9/10
User Review
5 (1 vote)
About Nina Perez (1391 Articles)
Nina Perez is the founder of Project Fandom. She is also the author of a YA series of books, "The Twin Prophecies," and a collection of essays titled, "Blog It Out, B*tch." Her latest books, a contemporary romance 6-book series titled Sharing Space, are now available on for Kindle download. She has a degree in journalism, works in social media, lives in Portland, Oregon, and loves Idris Elba. When not watching massive amounts of British television or writing, she is sketching plans to build her very own TARDIS. She watches more television than anyone you know and she's totally fine with that.

7 Comments on Queen Sugar - S1E7 - In No Uncertain Terms

    I have not left feedback in a while but congrats to Nina on her Black ass co-hosts Rod & Karen and the Lightskint contingent Jamelle and Leonard. Can’t wait to see who shows up this week.

    Now the episode: Nova has a 🍑 but what she doesn’t have is any sense of shame. Even after blatantly STEALING from Charley she tries to throw out Too Sweet like the Big Joker and then takes Micah to that BLM art show so he can get as woke and self-righteous as she is. I did love Baegan Gomez though and hopefully Calvin will return triumphant since he left his wife.

    Charley was big mad the whole episode but I thought this was the episode when Remy was going to get some. Did he say his wife’s name was Charlotte too? That’s a little creepy.

    RA took so many L’s but I guess he felt like a winner cause he hit easy ass Roberta. Why does he treat sex like Richard Gere in Pretty Woman? He’s fine but he’s not some billionaire to be ordering me to take a shower.

    Finally, Vi and Hollywood. All I have is this 😢😩😢😩😢😩😢😩

    This is my first time leaving feedback on the Queen Sugar Podcast. And boy, what an episode to leave it for. But before we get into a few bullet points, I want to thank Nina again for having me on the last episode. It was so much fun talking to her and Jamelle. I hope we can do it again. Anyway, let’s get into this fuckery.
    1. Rem Dogg – Did y’all see my boy reach Elite Light Skinned Savior status? This nigga threw on the sexy man voice and gave Charley ALL the pep talks. I mean, he looked her in the eyes and spoke to her in the soft tone. He put that battery in her back and let her know he believes in her. And did you see him get vulnerable and emotional in front of her? I was partying. I was like “DAMN, THIS NIGGA IS GOOD!!!”. I bet Juwan saw that and slammed a sandwich. Keep hating, Juwan. Keep hating!
    2. I Told Y’all About Nova – What did I tell y’all about Nova? This woman is a douche bag. Did y’all see her get offended when Charley CORRECTLY called what she did with that $10K stealing? She fixed her pretty face (yeah, she’s beautiful, but I hate her. I can do both, cuz I’m versatile) to say stealing is a harsh word. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttcccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that’s what you did. And then, THEN she said “Well, if it was Micah you would have done the same”. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttcccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhh, Micah is her son! I’m glad Charley called her out on her bullshit a couple times this episode.
    3. Nova/Chantal – So, after my slander of Nova in my first comment, I’d like to say the scenes with her and Chantal were hot. I wish this was HBO so I could have seen more skin. But as it was, I still lit candles, sipped wine, and listened to soft music while watching them kiss and fondle each other’s melanin. Don’t judge me.
    4. Ralph Angel, You ARE The Father – Y’all KNOW Roberta is gonna end up pregnant, right? This nigga Ralph aka “Can’t Get Right” is too dumb to wear a condom. Plotting ass Roberta probably told him she was on the pill too. Meanwhile she was in there flexing those kegels while he stroked her. And I bet she was ovulating too. Blue is about to have a little brother or sister for Aunt Vi to raise.
    5. Hollywood/Vi/Maxine Shaw – Man, that scene at the end seemed a bit convenient to me, but whatever. If you want me to believe Maxine Shaw found a way to that party, OK fine. I’ll go with that. I guess we had to find some way to make Vi as miserable as everyone else in her family. She just couldn’t’ be grieving her brother, she had to have her own drama. OK then. Word to Tyler.

  3. For the podcast

    I’m gonna keep this shit short!

    The Bordelone kids stay fucking up & Aunt Vi is a saint for having to deal with the level of bullshit coming at her from all sides!

    And Davis ain’t shit! Don’t matter that he wasn’t in the episode. He ain’t shit 24/7! And Darla has now joined him on that ain’t shit list! Yes she’s doing better but ain’t no way in hell you getting that baby back anytime soon!

    That’s it! Can’t wait to hear the podcast!

    And sorry about that long ass Flash feedback.

  4. Hey Nina and ‘Nem,

    Man, whatta great episode. I legit cried at a point that I’ll mention later.

    So Charley’s ass. I started writing this comment ready to go all the way in her ass but after further review here’s my brief thought…she is extremely and JUSTIFIABLY hurt and instead of taking it in and feeling it, like Remy says, she is going straight to anger and feeling like a victim. This annoys me but then I have to realize that this is the character that is being written and we get to either empathize or shun her. I just wish she would think before acting, sometimes. I will say, her family is not perfect but they are there for her. She just needs to let them in.

    Aunt Vi is my FAVORITE. I straight up cried (snotty nose and all) when Vi saved RA from himself. She knew RA was up to something and would be damned if he went back to jail over dumb shit. I was deeply touched by this scene for reasons I can’t yet explain. My heart broke for her but I LOVE her strength and dignity even when Maxine Shaw (Attorney at Law) stumbled her mentally unstable ass to the party. By the way, I wanna be Aunt Vi when I grow up, was she wearin’ that dress or what?
    I’m pissed that we had to go down the Man who lied about his relationship status trope but I feel that is not the last we’ll see of Hollywood…at least I hope.

    Speaking of Hollywood, he did what poor working class people sometimes have to do, lie to help each other out. I appreciate him taking care of his estranged wife but I’m mad that he did not have enough faith in Vi to give her the option to decide what she wanted. She is amazingly smart and understanding. If he was honest from the jump, he might have even gotten help from her. Love how she was about to whoop some ass when Maxine Shaw put her hands on Hollywood.

    Nova didn’t take long to get a little sugar cane of her own. She better find another $10,000 though cuz what she did was stealing, no ifs, ands or buts about it.

    Can somebody do something with Breasty McBreasterson other than have her oozing over some man with her titties out *sucks teeth while rolling eyes*

    That is all and I look forward with anticipation, to the podcast.


    I had to write in for this one! There was so much going on this episode I found myself talking to the tv. The Facebook thread was off the chain and I felt like we were all sitting at the same cookout watching the Vi and Hollywood debacle.

    In addition to this show being beautiful as hell I’m amazed by the smaller details of the acting. When Aunt Vi told Charley that Micah went out with Nova, Charley made the greatest face that instantly told me how mad she was at her sister. At the cookout when Aunt Vi got silent I knew she was calculating all the times Hollywood had her fucked up and it was so hard to watch. My only question to you guys is how would you have handled Maxine at the cookout if you were Hollywood?

    Thanks for recapping this show Nina each one has been great!

    *As a member of the light skin delegation I deem Remi a good dude.


    MICAH NIGGA REALLY? REALLY MY DIMWITTED LIGHTBRIGHT? Why is he seriously huffing and puffing about being in Louisiana? You can take those SATs anywhere and your behind need to stay in your little ass place. Yes your momma is yellow high-strung but still. I would have whooped that ass. He even went for Hollywood. Was he right that he needed to take his own advice? Yes, but my privilegednigga, you don’t know when to say shit. He is acting like a Micah and I need him to act like a Jimmy or an Earl Ray. Act like you got some sense my nigga and you don’t have VI little nigga.

    RA going back to jail. He can’t stay out of trouble even when he ain’t looking for it. That probation officer with his stuffy highwater pants looking ass will lock his ass up. He can’t get a job and he can’t get blue. He is going back to jail by the end of this season.

    Reagan is everything. Heart eyes mutherfucker! Nova got a love of a black woman on her side, she free. But not free enough to get chewed the fuck out for taking that money. Chantal was ready to square up for Nova.

    Charley doesn’t need to control everything. She is too damn uptight and need something that I will not say (and yes while I am grown, it might sound sexist so ain’t implicating myself). But she uptight as fuck and Remy trying to swoop in rapping to her. Trying to get them draws. So again, I believe in love, I hope this goes well. Please let this go well.

    I’m glad aunt VI told Charley that people are not out to get her ass. That is some light skinned people out to get me shit. I have seen this way too much! I’LL BE USING BYE ROBERTA forever now. I am so shocked that VI didn’t whoop that ass immediately. She should have whooped Hollywood’s ass. All he had to do is tell her the truth in the beginning though. Poor VI I still believe they have a chance. Made me cry. Damn.

  7. Hello black ass hosts, living your lovely, melanin-filled lives. At first I thought Davis trifling ass had cut Charlie off somehow when her credit card didn’t work. Do y’all think Davis still paid her the 3 million or did Goldie not even accept it since he half-heartedly apologized and didn’t admit fault? I’d love to see his ass and his teammates go to trial. Nina, as a parent, would you have told Micah the whole truth (how Davis set Goldie up to be raped)? Charlie made a great point that her money was not welcomed when it came to the funeral but then Nova was all too happy to use it for her needs. Also, she was correct in saying don’t count my money. Many people try to tell celebrities how to spend their funds and criticize them for what they buy. Also, if you are the well off one, family members will get mad if you don’t want to loan them money. “Why not? You got it right?” Negro that mean I have to give it to your ass. Next, How you hit on a woman’s man and then her nephew? Ugh Roberta trifling ass. I knew aunt vi would refuse to give Ralph custody. Negro you just stole cellphones👏🏾👏🏾. Blue’s momma has a long road to redemption. She kept Blue with her as opposed to leaving him with churros, but she let him witness her turning tricks. I found it funny that Ralph didn’t get any of his papers signed that the parole officer 👮 gave him. Does anyone know if the artist in the show actually painted those paintings? Or was he just an actor? Damn the ending scene was tough but the actress who plays Aunt vi’s performance was amazing. She was so hurt she could barely function/walk. It was ironic that she told Charley things aren’t the way they seem and that phrase applied to her situation as well. Do y’all think that she will take Hollywood back after some time has passed?

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