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Queen Sugar - S2E12 - Live in the All Along

Previously on Queen Sugar, “Fruit of the Flower”

Charley learns just how far Landry will go to thwart all of her efforts to be successful in the St. Joe community. He uses his influence to take away both her original location for the Brown Sugar Festival and the backup Remy provided. He then sabotages her ability to put on the kind of event she wanted when she settles for using the Bordelon farm.

Photo Credit: Skip Bolen / @2016 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved

But if there’s one thing Black folks do better than anyone else it’s the swiftness in which we’ll rally to protect our own from even the slightest whiff of racial injustice. With help from Remy, her family, and even Davis, Charley manages to hold an event that further cements the bond between the Black farmers and their commitment to her mill.

Of course, it wasn’t easy. After he notices how close Charley and Remy have become, Davis tries to swoop in and be Charley’s savior. He provides celebrity presence by attending with a few of his teammates and his new girlfriend, Tamar (Margot Bingham), who performs at the festival. Then he quickly tosses Tamar under the bus when he tells Charley that his relationship with her isn’t serious; Charley wastes no time in telling Davis that her relationship with Remy is. Hopefully, that, coupled with the fact Charley didn’t want to know why he was leaving town for awhile (he’s having surgery in L.A.), is enough to lay to rest any ideas Davis had about a reconciliation.

Photo credit: Photo by (Patti Peret) © 2017 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. / Courtesy of OWN.

Dr. Robert DuBois lost his damn mind. His and Nova’s live interview wasn’t getting a lot of internet chatter so he decides to flip the script — literally — and act as Nova’s adversary and not an ally. He must have learned that at the Taylor Swift School of White Feminism. Backstage, Nova lays into him for setting her up (even though she handled herself beautifully) and tells him not to come to the festival. So, of course, he shows up at the festival begging for another chance. It’s in this conversation that Nova finally admits out loud what she already knew: they’re too different. He has visions of them being the Beyoncé and Jay Z of Black activism. Nova just wants to help her people without playing games and without requiring fame while she does it. They’re over.

Ralph Angel likes a quick fix so he’s not happy when the early numbers for the upcoming harvest reveal that he’ll only break even and not make a huge profit. Prosper explains that he lost every year his first seven years of farming and that greatly affected his business. But Ralph Angel gonna Ralph Angel and worries that he’s not going to have enough money to give Darla the wedding she deserves. He doesn’t worry all that much because he originally balks at Hollywood’s suggestion to get a second job.

More Tea

Darla’s parents are coming to the wedding! It’s hard not to feel for Darla when she’s crying and shaking at the mere thought of seeing them again.

What did you think of the episode? Leave your brief thoughts below or on our Facebook post for this review, and we’ll read them on the podcast this weekend. 

Queen Sugar S2E12 Review Score
  • 8/10
    Plot - 8/10
  • 8.5/10
    Dialogue - 8.5/10
  • 8.5/10
    Performances - 8.5/10

"Live in the All Along"

Starring: Rutina Wesley, Dawn-Lyen Gardner, Kofi Siriboe, Tina Lifford, Omar J. Dorsey, Dondre Whitfield, Timon Kyle Durrett, Nicholas L. Ashe, Greg Vaughan, Ethan Hutchison, Bianca Lawson

User Review
5 (1 vote)
About Nina Perez (1391 Articles)
Nina Perez is the founder of Project Fandom. She is also the author of a YA series of books, "The Twin Prophecies," and a collection of essays titled, "Blog It Out, B*tch." Her latest books, a contemporary romance 6-book series titled Sharing Space, are now available on for Kindle download. She has a degree in journalism, works in social media, lives in Portland, Oregon, and loves Idris Elba. When not watching massive amounts of British television or writing, she is sketching plans to build her very own TARDIS. She watches more television than anyone you know and she's totally fine with that.

1 Comment on Queen Sugar - S2E12 - Live in the All Along

  1. For the podcast:
    1. The bordolon vs Landry battle is going 2 be lit. Charley laid down the gauntlet when she said I’m not going anywhere! Let the fireworks begin! Landrys tried 2 sabotage Charley’s festival but in the end family & community came through. As they say god is good!
    2. RA not the punching bag this week still his lackadaisical attitude when Hollywood suggested a second job to help w/finances when he was discussing his money woes-I’m like Negro😡 stop pouting & listen & learn!
    3. Boy bye1 -nova and DuBois we saw this coming-dr d was a nice guy albeit a tad stalkerish & somewhat controlling-but there there was no spark & their paths differ/when he mentioned moving beyond the ninth ward to nova, I’m like ooh u r so done! Even those “please baby” tears didn’t move her. Is nova now ready 2 get that cream in her coffee?
    4. Boy bye 2-charley/Davis that final scene said it all when charley said Remy mattered though she did seem a bit uncomfortable when Davis bought current boo to the party.
    5. Darla-don’t know what’s going on w/her but she seems so fragile-have 2 wonder if SHE makes it 2 the wedding.
    6. Remy w/that big ass hat!! 😄

    That’s it for me this week. Hope it’s not 2 late

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