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Podcast Fandom Episode 141: Scandal S4E3 ‘Inside the Bubble’

This week, Meghan and Nina were once again joined by Rod from The Black Guy Who Tips podcast to discuss all the shenanigans going on in Shondaland’s Scandal. 

  • Why is Cyrus being so reckless? He’s paying $2,500 for sex and he doesn’t even know Michael’s last name. This is the same man who almost had his husband killed, and just three episodes ago he was having Abby followed.
  • How large will this rift between Abby and Scandal get? Will living in Liv’s shadow professionally push Abby to make a move on Fitz?
  • Why did Jake tell EVERYTHING he knows to Papa Pope? He won’t make it past the mid-season finale, right?

Have a listen and make sure to hang out with us on Twitter using #PFScandal and/or #DatScandal as we live-tweet the episodes every Thursday night.

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