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Second Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer Shows Great Promise

The second trailer for Marvel’s riskiest addition to their cinematic universe, yet, Guardians of the Galaxy, has been released, and it shows that Marvel’s gamble is getting closer and closer to more than paying off.

Judging from this newest trailer dropping today, this movie is going to be another heavy hitter for Marvel. Long time fans of the series, and new fans alike, will enjoy this movie when it releases in August.

Fellow ProFan, John, had this to say on the trailer:

This movie looks like a hell of a lot of fun. It’s going to be a mild surprise when it’s actually a commercial and critical hit. It genuinely feels like they’ve managed to induce the enjoyment and comic book feeling of The Avengers, without having the benefit of several movies leading into it. If it does deliver on this trailer’s promise, I think it’s possible this movie ends up technically better than The Avengers, and it’ll owe it to the fact that it has to include more plot and character development and world-building in this one movie, instead of relying on previous movies to do that heavy lifting for it. This trailer makes me excited to see if Guardians of the Galaxy can pull off the improbable feat of introducing characters almost nobody knows to a Marvel Cinematic Universe everyone is already comfortable in.

Guardians of the Galaxy, directed by James Gunn and starring: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel (voice), and Bradley Cooper (voice)-among a huge cast of others-opens August 1, 2014.

About Matthew Freitas (52 Articles)
Matthew Freitas is the resident Green Lantern and Hired Sword patrolling the Project Fandom sector of the internet. He brings reviews of some of the latest games and movies. When he has down time, he can be found doing almost any geek-related activity.

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