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She-Hulk - Vol. 3 #2

Previously, “Issue #1

When we last left Jennifer Walters, she was just getting started with her own law firm after helping a client clear her dead husband’s name. Flushed with cash and with only one undesirable case file to trudge through, what would life for She-Hulk be like now?

From the official byline from Marvel Comics: “Jennifer opens her own practice, but things aren’t going as smoothly as she’d like. A new client rides into town…but is he hero or villain? Guest-starring Patsy Walker, Hellcat!”

This book starts off exactly one day after the events of the first book, and we get a glimpse at what Jennifer’s life is gonna be like in this new endeavor. She chats up her new super, and finds out there’s more than meets the eye with her. She has to hire a secretary, and she proves to be very unique as well. She also realizes that being your own boss isn’t as great as she thought it would.

We also get to take a look at Patsy Walker, a.k.a. Hellcat, and she is a very different sort of superhero. She’s a bit down on her luck, a bit drunk, and a bit in need to blow off some steam. The way they do this is sheer comedy in and of itself, and it’s always fun to see good characters bust some heads from time to time.

This book ends on one hell of a cliffhanger, and it makes me so excited to see what this new turn of events will bring to Jennifer, as well as the Marvel universe as a whole.

As I mentioned in my first write-up, Javier Pulido’s art is spectacular. It flows smoothly from panel to panel, and one panel in particular is very creative without being overly busy. There is no shortage of humor in Soule’s writing, although we do get to see a few things thrown at Jennifer, and these things may serve to either break her or make her stronger.

Only time (and a few more issues) will tell.

About Joseph Seltzer (401 Articles)
Joseph K. Seltzer is a movie reviewer for When not writing or talking obsessively about the art of movies and TV to anyone who will pretend to listen – especially when it comes to his love for the musical score – he works as a Help Desk technician for a local school board. Generally, you can find him either burrowed in front of the TV watching movies or playing video games, or spending time with his precocious daughter.
Contact: Facebook

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