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She-Hulk - Vol. 3 #6

Previously, “Issue 5

When we last left our intrepid lawyer, the crap was beginning to hit the fan. Patsy had just been on the receiving end of a major beatdown by her friend Tigra, Jennifer was trying to get some information out of Wyatt Wingfoot, and Angie had just been murdered in South Dakota not just by being in South Dakota, but by looking up information in the accursed Blue File.

After talking to Wyatt - who is shown rockclimbing with several people hanging behind him, Jennifer goes to visit Patsy in the hospital. Patsy informs her that Tigra beat her down due to being mind-controlled by some outside force; according to her, it seems to be triggered by any mention of the Blue File. Meanwhile, Angie is revived by her pet monkey Hei Hei (figured there was something strange about that monkey!), and sees that everything she was working on had been burned to the ground…literally. Jennifer is visited at her legal offices by Dr. Kevin Trench, a.k.a. Nightwatch, and mid-conversation, some very dangerous entities come looking for Jennifer in particular, and things get even stranger from there.

From the official Marvel Comics byline:

Last issue, someone important to She-Hulk was killed – and she won’t let it stand. But the mysterious blue file turns friend into foe, who can she trust? Charles Soule and Ron Wemberly continue the All New Marvel Now hit everyone’s talking about!

At this point, anything more I say about Charles Soule’s writing will be an act of repetition. I love snarky wit and banter, and his work is among the best I’ve seen. Those conversations seem like real people having real discussions, and I love it so much. The artwork, on the other hand…it’s gone from bad to worse for me. Ron Wimberly’s art style just isn’t doing it; the designs just seem gangly and malformed, and when it comes to drawing action scenes…forget it. The big action scene in this issue is so hard to follow that I just gave up on it and moved on to a panel that wasn’t as busy. That’s not a good look for a comic. At all.

This rating is in no way indicative of the story, but it loses something because I was unable to follow it completely due to the artwork. I still love the book and will continue to read it, but it’s hit a downward spiral for me at this point.

About Joseph Seltzer (401 Articles)
Joseph K. Seltzer is a movie reviewer for When not writing or talking obsessively about the art of movies and TV to anyone who will pretend to listen – especially when it comes to his love for the musical score – he works as a Help Desk technician for a local school board. Generally, you can find him either burrowed in front of the TV watching movies or playing video games, or spending time with his precocious daughter.
Contact: Facebook

2 Comments on She-Hulk - Vol. 3 #6

  1. The artwork/coloring are turning me off of this unfortunately and I was really enjoying it 🙁

    • The story is great! It really is…the artwork just made me want to throw my tablet against the wall. Especially that last panel I posted; I watched it about five times trying to follow it. Eventually, I just gave up and moved on.

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