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She-Hulk - Vol. 3 #9

Previously “Issue 8

When we last left our intrepid lawyer, she had been hired by Steve Rogers to defend him in a cold case that had been reopened due to a deathbed confession. She steps into the courtroom and comes face-to-face with Matt Murdock himself! Turns out she is defending Captain America against one of Marvel’s best lawyers - at least the one who doesn’t work for Tony Stark. Murdock leads a devastating opening statement to the jury, and it’s up to Jennifer to save the reputation of the First Avenger. Only problem is… she has to convince him that he’s worth saving.

From the official Marvel Comics byline:

THE GOOD OLD DAYS, PART 2 • It’s Jennifer Walters versus Matt Murdock in the trial of the century! • Someone from Cap’s past has come back to haunt them all…and She-Hulk might be his only hope. • Guest starring Steve Rogers and Daredevil.

Matt Rocks makes his triumphant return in this issue, and he and his clones are as entertaining as ever. In fact, his clones may be even more entertaining than before. Patsy, Angie, and the rest of Team She-Hulk are mostly on the sidelines in this episode, but Jen and Matt have a great heart-to-heart that gets down to the root of the case. It’s almost cathartic to watch them interact with each other outside the terseness of the courtroom. Then, the issue ends with yet another bombshell; this one threatens to blow the case wide open.

Before he was a great comic writer, Charles Soule is a lawyer. He really gets a chance to show his chops in this issue, especially with Matt Murdock’s opening statement; that was chilling. Javier Pulido does what he does with the vibrant art, but this is Soule’s show, and he does it well. This dynamic duo knows how to whet my appetite and make me beg for more, and this one is no exception. I anxiously await the next issue to see how Jen handles this bombshell!


About Joseph Seltzer (401 Articles)
Joseph K. Seltzer is a movie reviewer for When not writing or talking obsessively about the art of movies and TV to anyone who will pretend to listen – especially when it comes to his love for the musical score – he works as a Help Desk technician for a local school board. Generally, you can find him either burrowed in front of the TV watching movies or playing video games, or spending time with his precocious daughter.
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