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Sons of Anarchy - S6E8 - Los Fantasmas

Previously, on Sons of Anarchy: “Sweet and Vaded

This week opens with Jax babying his poor, wounded wife… I want to punch Tara in the face. This show really brings out the violence in all of us.

Gemma is still in custody because she won’t give a statement. She knows how this looks - Biker Mamma vs The Good Doctor. Sheriff Roosevelt convinces her to tell her side of the story and, to his credit, he seems to consider the possibility she is telling the truth.

Wendy is back on the streets. Seems life with Tara finally drove her to what Jax’s forced injection couldn’t. Oooh what a tangled web we weave.

Unser stops by to see Tara and delivers one of the politest “Fuck You”‘s ever.

Sons of Anarchy | Tara

Jax sets a meeting with Nero’s crew to discuss the importance of keeping zip lipped. Everyone is on the same page until an old Olds comes running through the conference, barely missing Juice who is playing chicken staring down the driver, and hits one of Nero’s guys.

Unser picks up Gemma and shows his theme of the day is laying from-the-hip straight talk on the Samcro women. What are the chances Gemma listens to the logic of his speech?

Tara has another visitor; her lawyer stops by to reassure her that they have built a case in which Gemma and Jax will never receive custody of the boys.  (How was this a dilemma that even needed solving? They are both known, violent criminals!) When the lawyer asks Tara for full disclosure, Tara continues her path of isolation by reminding the lawyer she is little more than paid help.

Wendy stops by to check on Tara and faces off with Jax. This girl is a slow learner.

Nero says he’s ready to give up the person who provided the guns. Nero asks for his son to be placed in the best facility near his own, because he was the one that supplied the gun used in the school shooting!

Tara stops by the candy store… err… club house… What are they doing in that place?!?! She and Bobby have a heart-to-heart, and he lays it on thick regarding Jax’s codependent nature. Tara is really looking uncomfortable with her life choices.

Nero’s boys are in search of vengeance and track down the driver from the hit-and-run. They move to take out the driver, and The Club has their hands full trying to keep Nero’s crew in check. The driver fights back with a knife, and many guns are drawn before Jax sees a picture that somehow magically lets him know the driver was the parent of one of the kids killed in the school shooting. Everyone agrees the driver had a decent motive, so they knock him out and move on about their day.

Gemma stops by to see Wendy and play more mind games.

Jax and Gemma come face-to-face at the hospital, and she tries to give her side of the story, but Jax is having none of it. “Grandma is dead.”

Wendy finds release in the needle, and Nero is granted release by the DA who apparently found her morals laying around somewhere at the station.

Tara listens to one last heavy monologue when Jax laments the distance between them and implores her to let him back in because nothing much is going well for him right now.

About Teri Bildstein (45 Articles)
Teri Bildstein firmly believes sleep is for the weak. She avoids this nasty pitfall by juggling her time between family, duties as Owner/Designer of Tide Together Jewelry and Gifts, ProFan contributor, and sharing her inexhaustible opinions with the people of the Internet. She is certain her marriage to Norman Reedus will be a lovely affair....provided she has a chance to meet him.

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