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Continuum - S3E2 - Minute Man

April 13, 2014 // 0 Comments

Previously on Continuum, ‘Minute By Minute’ In this episode: Kiera’s understandably pissed to discover the other her, the original her, has been shot in the [...]

Continuum - S3E1 - Minute By Minute

April 5, 2014 // 0 Comments

Previously on Continuum, ‘Second Time’ Alec used the device to go back in time and save Emily. He goes back about a week. The freelancers - who we now know [...]

Continuum - S2E13 - Second Time

September 10, 2013 // 0 Comments

Previously on Continuum, ‘Second Last’ In the future, Kiera tells her husband that she knows something is going to happen at the execution. He in turn reports his [...]

Continuum - S2E12 - Second Last

September 2, 2013 // 0 Comments

Previously on Continuum, ‘Second Guess’ Escher tells Emily he’s letting her go after she brings him one last piece of tech from Alec’s lab. Matthew [...]

Continuum - S2E11 - Second Guess

August 25, 2013 // 0 Comments

Previously on Continuum, ‘Second Wave’  A series of cyber attacks caused by Lucas to get information causes a shitton of chaos. Betty side-eyes Dillon because [...]

Continuum - S2E10 - Second Wave

August 18, 2013 // 0 Comments

Previously on Continuum, ‘Seconds’  Garza shows up on facial recognition software and Alec tracks her location. Kiera and Carlos bring her in, but Kiera’s [...]

Continuum - S2E5 - Second Opinion

July 7, 2013 // 0 Comments

Previously on Continuum, ‘Second Skin’ Birthday Party Blues 2077 and Kiera’s son is having a birthday party. He’s out on the patio while his friends [...]

Continuum - S2E4 - Second Skin

July 4, 2013 // 0 Comments

Previously on Continuum, “Second Thoughts” Freeze! Kiera and a female partner are tracking bad guys through a warehouse. After taking one down and recovering [...]

Continuum - S2E3 - Second Thoughts

June 24, 2013 // 0 Comments

Previously on Continuum “Split Second”  Futuristic Meth It’s 2077 and Kiera has tracked her little sister Hannah to an extremely seedy part of town. Hannah [...]
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