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Joffrey Baratheon

ProFannys Best TV Villain

August 22, 2013 // 0 Comments

Which TV villain do you love to hate? Vote for the Best TV Villain in our 1st Annual ProFannys Awards! The poll is open now and closes tomorrow, 8/23, at 11:30am PST. Vote [...]

5 Best Moments on Game of Thrones

June 9, 2013 // 0 Comments

The anticipation for tonight’s Game of Thrones finale is so high, we can taste it. It tastes like Dornish wine and lamprey pie! Looking back on all three seasons, we [...]

5 TV Deaths That Need to Happen

August 29, 2012 // 17 Comments

You ever tune into a show hoping that a character will FINALLY die? Yeah, me too. Debra Morgan / Dexter I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I only put [...]